§ 52.226 - Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, San Joaquin Valley and Mountain Counties Intrastate Regions.  

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  • § 52.226 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, San Joaquin Valley and Mountain Counties Intrastate Regions.

    (a) [Reserved]

    (b) The following regulatory changes represent a relaxation of previously submitted regulations and an adequate control strategy has not been submitted showing that the relaxation will not interfere with attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter:

    (1) Kings County APCD.

    (i) Rule 405, Process Weight, submitted on July 25, 1973 is disapproved; and Rule 405, submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (ii) Rule 407.1, Disposal of Solid and Liquid Wastes, submitted on November 4, 1977, is disapproved; and Rule 407.1, Disposal of Solid and Liquid Wastes, submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved under 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (2) Calaveras County APCD.

    (i) The revocation of Rule 407(b), Combustion Contaminants, is disapproved; and Rule 407(b), submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (ii) The revocation of Rule 408, Fuel Burning Equipment, is disapproved; and Rule 408, submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (iii) The addition of Rule 209, Fossil Fuel-Steam Generator Facility, is disapproved; and Rule 408, submitted on June 30, 1972 and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (3) Tuolumne County APCD.

    (i) Rule 207, Particulate Matter, submitted on July 22, 1975, is disapproved; and Rules 404 and 407(b), submitted on June 30, 1972 and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 are retained.

    (ii) Rule 209, Fossil Fuel-Steam Generator Facility, submitted on July 22, 1975, is disapproved; and Rule 408, submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (iii) Rule 207, Particulate Matter, submitted on February 10, 1977, is disapproved and the previously approved Rules 404 and 407(b), submitted on June 30, 1972, remain in effect.

    (iv) Rule 209, Fossil Fuel-Steam Generator Facility, submitted on February 10, 1977, is disapproved and the previously approved Rule 408, submitted on June 30, 1972, remains in effect.

    (4) Fresno County APCD.

    (i) Rule 407, Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes, submitted on February 10, 1976, is disapproved; and Rule 407.1, submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (ii) Rule 407, Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes, submitted on November 10, 1976, is disapproved; and Rule 407.1, submitted on June 30, 1972 and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (5) San Joaquin County APCD.

    (i) Rule 407.1, Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes, submitted on February 10, 1976, is disapproved; and Rule 407.1, submitted on June 30, 1972 and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (6) Mariposa County APCD.

    (i) Rule 209, Fossil Fuel-Steam Generator Facility, submitted on January 10, 1975, is disapproved; and Rule 6.4, submitted on June 30, 1972 and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (7) Kern County APCD.

    (i) Rule 407.1, Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes, submitted on July 22, 1975, is disapproved; and Rule 407.1, submitted on June 30, 1972 and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (8) Madera County APCD.

    (i) Rule 405, Process Weight, submitted on January 10, 1975 is disapproved; and Rule 405, submitted on June 30, 1972 and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    (9) Tulare County APCD.

    (i) Paragraph b. of Rule 407.1.

    (10) Merced County APCD.

    (i) Rule 407.1, Disposal of Solid or Liquid Wastes, submitted on August 2, 1976 is disapproved; and Rule 407.1 submitted on June 30, 1972 and previously approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.

    [37 FR 10850, May 31, 1972]