§ 6.803 - Environmental review process.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Environmental information. (1) Environmental information documents shall be submitted to EPA by grant applicants or contractors. If there is a question concerning the need for a document, the potential contractor or grantee should consult with the appropriate project officer for the grant or contract.

    (2) The environmental information document shall contain the same sections specified for EIS's in subpart B. Guidance alerting potential grantees and contractors of the environmental information documents shall be included in all grant application kits, attached to letters concerning the submission of unsolicited proposals, and included with all requests for proposal.

    (b) Environmental review. An environmental review will be conducted before a grant or contract award is made. This review will include the preparation of an environmental assessment by the responsible official; the appropriate Regional Administrator's input will include his recommendations on the need for an EIS.

    (c) Notice of intent and EIS. Based on the environmental review if the criteria in § 6.802 of this part apply, the responsible official will assure that a notice of intent and a draft EIS are prepared. The responsible official may request the appropriate Regional Administrator to assist him in the preparation and distribution of the environmental documents.

    (d) Finding of no significant impact. If the environmental review indicated no significant environmental impacts, the responsible official will assure that a FNSI is prepared which lists any mitigation measures necessary to make the recommended alternative environmentally acceptable.

    (e) Timing of action. Pursuant to § 6.401(b), in no case shall a contract or grant be awarded until the prescribed 30-day review period for a final EIS has elapsed. Similarly, no action shall be taken until the 30-day comment period for a FNSI is completed.