§ 60.5750 - Can I work with other States to develop a multi-State plan?  

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  • § 60.5750 Can I work with other States to develop a multi-State plan?

    A multi-State plan must include all the required elements for a plan specified in § 60.5740(a). A multi-State plan must meet the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

    (a) The multi-State plan must demonstrate that all affected EGUs in all participating States will meet the CO2 emission performance rates listed in table 1 of this subpart or an equivalent CO2 emission goal according to paragraphs (a)(1) or (2) of this section. States may only follow the procedures in (a)(1) or (2) if they have functionally equivalent requirements meeting §§ 60.5775 and 60.5790 included in their plans.

    (1) For States electing to demonstrate performance with a CO2 emission rate-based goal, the CO2 emission goals identified in the plan according to § 60.5855 will be an adjusted weighted (by net energy output) average lbs CO2/MWh emission rate to be achieved by all affected EGUs in the multi-State area during the plan periods; or

    (2) For States electing to demonstrate performance with a CO2 emission mass-based goal, the CO2 emission goals identified in the multi-State plan according to § 60.5855 will be total mass CO2 emissions by all affected EGUs in the multi-State area during the plan periods, representing the sum of all individual mass CO2 goals for states participating in the multi-state plan.

    (b) Options for submitting a multi-State plan include the following:

    (1) States participating in a multi-State plan may submit one multi-State plan submittal on behalf of all participating States. The joint submittal must be signed electronically, according to § 60.5875, by authorized officials for each of the States participating in the multi-State plan. In this instance, the joint submittal will have the same legal effect as an individual submittal for each participating State. The joint submittal must address plan components that apply jointly for all participating States and components that apply for each individual State in the multi-State plan, including necessary State legal authority to implement the plan, such as State regulations and statutes.

    (2) States participating in a multi-State plan may submit a single plan submittal, signed by authorized officials from each participating State, which addresses common plan elements. Each participating State must, in addition, provide individual plan submittals that address State-specific elements of the multi-State plan.

    (3) States participating in a multi-State plan may separately make individual submittals that address all elements of the multi-State plan. The plan submittals must be materially consistent for all common plan elements that apply to all participating States, and also must address individual State-specific aspects of the multi-State plan. Each individual State plan submittal must address all required plan components in § 60.5740.

    (c) A State may elect to participate in more than one multi-State plan. If your State elects to participate in more than one multi-State plan then you must identify in the State plan submittal required under § 60.5745, the subset of affected EGUs that are subject to the specific multi-State plan or your State's individual plan. An affected EGU can only be subject to one plan.

    (d) A State may elect to allow its affected EGUs to interact with affected EGUs in other States through mass-based trading programs or a rate-based trading program without entering into a formal multi-State plan allowed for under this section, so long as such programs are part of an EPA-approved state plan and meet the requirements of paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section, as applicable.

    (1) For States that elect to do mass-based trading under this option the State must indicate in its plan that its emission budget trading program will be administered using an EPA-approved (or EPA-administered) emission and allowance tracking system.

    (2) For States that elect to use a rate-based trading program which allows the affected EGUs to use ERCs from other State rate-based trading programs, the plan must require affected EGUs within their State to comply with emission standards equal to the sub-category CO2 emission performance rates in table 1 of this subpart.