§ 60.5780 - What State measures may I rely upon in support of my plan?  

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  • § 60.5780 What State measures may I rely upon in support of my plan?

    You may rely upon State measures in support of your plan that are not emission standard(s) on affected EGUs, provided those State measures meet the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section.

    (a) Each State measure is quantifiable, verifiable, non-duplicative, permanent, and enforceable with respect to each affected entity (e.g., entities other than affected EGUs with no federally enforceable obligations under a State plan), and your plan supporting materials include the methods by which each State measure meets each of the following requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of this section.

    (1) A State measure is quantifiable with respect to an affected entity if it can be reliably measured in a manner that can be replicated.

    (2) A State measure is verifiable with respect to an affected entity if adequate monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements are in place to enable the State to independently evaluate, measure, and verify compliance with the State measure.

    (3) A State measure is non-duplicative with respect to an affected entity if it is not already incorporated as a State measure or an emission standard in another State plan or State plan supporting material unless incorporated in a multi-State plan.

    (4) A State measure is permanent with respect to an affected entity if the State measure must be met for at least each compliance period, or unless either it is replaced by another State measure in an approved plan revision, or the State demonstrates in an approved plan revision that the emission reductions from the State measure are no longer necessary for the State's affected EGUs to meet their mass-based CO2 emission goal.

    (5) A State measure is enforceable against an affected entity if:

    (i) A technically accurate limitation or requirement and the time period for the limitation or requirement are specified;

    (ii) Compliance requirements are clearly defined;

    (iii) The affected entities responsible for compliance and liable for violations can be identified;

    (iv) Each compliance activity or measure is enforceable as a practical matter; and

    (v) The State maintains the ability to enforce violations and secure appropriate corrective actions.

    (b) [Reserved]