§ 60.5800 - What other resources qualify for issuance of ERCs?  

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  • § 60.5800 What other resources qualify for issuance of ERCs?

    (a) ERCs may only be issued for generation or savings produced on or after January 1, 2022, to a resource that qualifies as an eligible resource because it meets each of the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.

    (1) Resources qualifying for eligibility only include resources that increased installed electrical generation nameplate capacity, or implemented new electrical savings measures, on or after January 1, 2013. If a resource had a nameplate capacity uprate, ERCs may be issued only for the difference in generation between its uprated nameplate capacity and its nameplate capacity prior to the uprate. ERCs must not be issued for generation for an uprate that followed a derate that occurred on or after January 1, 2013. A resource that is relicensed or receives a license extension is considered existing capacity and is not an eligible resource, unless it receives a capacity uprate as a result of the relicensing process that is reflected in its relicensed permit. In such a case, only the difference in nameplate capacity between its relicensed permit and its prior permit is eligible to be issued ERCs.

    (2) The resource must be connected to, and deliver energy to or save electricity on, the electric grid in the contiguous United States.

    (3) The resource must be located in either:

    (i) A State whose affected EGUs are subject to rate-based emission standards pursuant to this regulation; or

    (ii) A State with a mass-based CO2 emission goal, and the resource can demonstrate (e.g., through a power purchase agreement or contract for delivery) that the electricity generated is delivered with the intention to meet load in a State with affected EGUs which are subject to rate-based emission standards pursuant to this regulation, and was treated as a generation resource used to serve regional load that included the State whose affected EGUs are subject to rate-based emission standards. Notwithstanding any other provision of paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the only type of eligible resource in the State with mass-based emission standards is renewable generating technologies listed in (a)(4)(i) of this section.

    (4) The resource falls into one of the following categories of resources:

    (i) Renewable electric generating technologies using one of the following renewable energy resources: Wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, wave, tidal;

    (ii) Qualified biomass;

    (iii) Waste-to-energy (biogenic portion only);

    (iv) Nuclear power;

    (v) A non-affected combined heat and power (CHP) unit, including waste heat power;

    (vi) A demand-side EE or demand-side management measure that saves electricity and is calculated on the basis of quantified ex post savings, not “projected” or “claimed” savings; or

    (vii) A category identified in a State plan and approved by the EPA to generate ERCs.

    (b) Any resource that does not meet the requirements of this subpart or an approved State plan cannot be issued ERCs for use by an affected EGU with its compliance demonstration required under § 60.5790(c).

    (c) ERCs may not be issued to or for any of the following:

    (1) New, modified, or reconstructed EGUs that are subject to subpart TTTT of this part, except CHP units that meet the requirements of a CHP unit under paragraph (a);

    (2) EGUs that do not meet the applicability requirements of §§ 60.5845 and 60.5850, except CHP units that meet the requirements of a CHP unit under paragraph (a);

    (3) Measures that reduce CO2 emissions outside the electric power sector, including, for example, GHG offset projects representing emission reductions that occur in the forestry and agriculture sectors, direct air capture, and crediting of CO2 emission reductions that occur in the transportation sector as a result of vehicle electrification; and

    (4) Any measure not approved by the EPA for issuance of ERCs in connection with a specific State plan.

    (d) You must include the appropriate requirements in paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section for an applicable eligible resource in your plan.

    (1) If qualified biomass is an eligible resource, the plan must include a description of why the proposed feedstocks or feedstock categories should qualify as an approach for controlling increases of CO2 levels in the atmosphere as well as the proposed valuation of biogenic CO2 emissions. In addition, for sustainably-derived agricultural and forest biomass feedstocks, the state plan must adequately demonstrate that such feedstocks appropriately control increases of CO2 levels in the atmosphere and methods for adequately monitoring and verifying these feedstock sources and related sustainability practices. For all qualified biomass feedstocks, plans must specify how biogenic CO2 emissions will be monitored and reported, and identify specific EM&V, tracking and auditing approaches.

    (2) If waste-to-energy is an eligible resource, the plan must assess both the capacity to strengthen existing or implement new waste reduction, reuse, recycling and composting programs, and measures to minimize any potential negative impacts of waste-to-energy operations on such programs. Additionally the plan must include a method for determining the proportion of total MWh generation from a waste-to-energy facility that is eligible for use in adjusting a CO2 emission rate (i.e., that which is generated from biogenic materials).

    (3) If carbon capture and utilization (CCU) is an eligible resource in a plan, the plan must include analysis supporting how the proposed qualifying CCU technology results in CO2 emission mitigation from affected EGUs and provide monitoring, reporting, and verification requirements to demonstrate the reductions.

    (e) States and areas of Indian country that do not have any affected EGUs, and other countries, may provide ERCs to adjust CO2 emissions provided they are connected to the contiguous U.S. grid and meet the other requirements for eligibility and eligible resources and the issuance of ERCs included in these emission guidelines, except that such States and other countries may not provide ERCs from resources described in § 60.5800(a)(4)(vi).