§ 60.5800a - How do I submit information required by these Emission Guidelines to the EPA?  

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  • § 60.5800a How do I submit information required by these Emission Guidelines to the EPA?

    (a) You must submit to the EPA the information required by these emission guidelines following the procedures in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section unless you submit through the procedure described in paragraph (f) of this section.

    (b) All negative declarations, State plan submittals, supporting materials that are part of a State plan submittal, any plan revisions, and all State reports required to be submitted to the EPA by the State plan may be reported through EPA's electronic reporting system to be named and made available at a later date.

    (c) Only a submittal by the Governor or the Governor's designee by an electronic submission through SPeCS shall be considered an official submittal to the EPA under this subpart. If the Governor wishes to designate another responsible official the authority to submit a State plan, the EPA must be notified via letter from the Governor prior to the July 8, 2022, deadline for plan submittal so that the official will have the ability to submit a plan in the SPeCS. If the Governor has previously delegated authority to make CAA submittals on the Governor's behalf, a State may submit documentation of the delegation in lieu of a letter from the Governor. The letter or documentation must identify the designee to whom authority is being designated and must include the name and contact information for the designee and also identify the State plan preparers who will need access to the EPA electronic reporting system. A State may also submit the names of the State plan preparers via a separate letter prior to the designation letter from the Governor in order to expedite the State plan administrative process. Required contact information for the designee and preparers includes the person's title, organization, and email address.

    (d) The submission of the information by the authorized official must be in a non-editable format. In addition to the non-editable version all plan components designated as federally enforceable must also be submitted in an editable version.

    (e) You must provide the EPA with non-editable and editable copies of any submitted revision to existing approved federally enforceable plan components. The editable copy of any such submitted plan revision must indicate the changes made at the State level, if any, to the existing approved federally enforceable plan components, using a mechanism such as redline/strikethrough. These changes are not part of the State plan until formal approval by EPA.

    (f) If, in lieu of the requirements described in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, you choose to submit a paper copy or an electronic version by other means you must confer with your EPA Regional Office regarding the additional guidelines for submitting your plan.