§ 600.010-86 - Vehicle test requirements and minimum data requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) For each certification vehicle defined in this part, and for each vehicle tested according to the emission test procedures in 40 CFR part 86 for addition of a model after certification or approval of a running change (40 CFR 86.079-32, 86.079-33 and 86.082-34 or 40 CFR 86.1842-01 as applicable):

    (1) The manufacturer shall generate city fuel economy data by testing according to the applicable procedures.

    (2) The manufacturer shall generate highway fuel economy data by:

    (i) Testing according to applicable procedures, or

    (ii) Using an analytical technique, as described in § 600.006(e).

    (3) The data generated in paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section, shall be submitted to the Administrator in combination with other data for the vehicle required to be submitted in part 86.

    (b) For each fuel economy data vehicle:

    (1) The manufacturer shall generate city fuel economy data and highway fuel economy data by:

    (i) Testing according to applicable procedures, or

    (ii) Use of an analytical technique as described in § 600.006(e), in addition to testing (e.g., city fuel economy data by testing, highway fuel economy data by analytical technique).

    (2) The data generated shall be submitted to the Administrator according to the procedures in § 600.006.

    (c) Minimum data requirements for labeling. (1) In order to establish fuel economy label values under § 600.306, the manufacturer shall use only test data accepted in accordance with § 600.008 (b) and (f) and meeting the minimum coverage of:

    (i) Data required for emission certification under 40 CFR 86.084-24, 86.079-32, 86.079-33, and 86.082-34 or 40 CFR 86.1828-01 and 86.1842-01 as applicable,

    (ii) Data from the highest projected model year sales subconfiguration within the highest projected model year sales configuration for each base level, and

    (iii) For additional model types established under §600.207(a)(2), data from each subconfiguration included within the model type.

    (2) For the purpose of recalculating fuel economy label values as required under §600.314(b), the manufacturer shall submit data required under § 600.507.

    (d) Minimum data requirements for the manufacturer's average fuel economy. For the purpose of calculating the manufacturer's average fuel economy under § 600.510, the manufacturer shall submit data representing at least 90 percent of the manufacturer's actual model year production, by configuration, for each category identified for calculation under § 600.510(a).