§ 63.1361 - Definitions.  

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  • § 63.1361 Definitions.

    Terms used in this subpart are defined in the CAA, in subpart A of this part, or in this section. If the same term is defined in subpart A of this part and in this section, it shall have the meaning given in this section for the purposes of this subpart MMM.

    Affirmative defense means, in the context of an enforcement proceeding, a response or defense put forward by a defendant, regarding which the defendant has the burden of proof, and the merits of which are independently and objectively evaluated in a judicial or administrative proceeding.

    Air pollution control device or control device means equipment installed on a process vent, storage vessel, wastewater treatment exhaust stack, or combination thereof that reduces the mass of HAP emitted to the air. The equipment may consist of an individual device or a series of devices. Examples include incinerators, carbon adsorption units, condensers, flares, boilers, process heaters, and gas absorbers. Process condensers are not considered air pollution control devices or control devices.

    Bag dump means equipment into which bags or other containers containing a powdered, granular, or other solid feedstock material are emptied. A bag dump is part of the process.

    Batch emission episode means a discrete venting episode that is associated with a single unit operation. A unit operation may have more than one batch emission episode. For example, a batch distillation unit operation may consist of batch emission episodes associated with charging and heating. Charging the vessel with HAP will result in one discrete batch emission episode that will last through the duration of the charge and will have an average flowrate equal to the rate of the charge. Another discrete batch emission episode will result from the expulsion of expanded vapor as the contents of the vessel are heated.

    Batch operation means a noncontinuous operation involving intermittent or discontinuous feed into PAI or integral intermediate manufacturing equipment, and, in general, involves the emptying of the equipment after the batch operation ceases and prior to beginning a new operation. Addition of raw material and withdrawal of product do not occur simultaneously in a batch operation. A batch process consists of a series of batch operations.

    Bench-scale batch process means a batch process (other than a research and development facility) that is capable of being located on a laboratory bench top. This bench-scale equipment will typically include reagent feed vessels, a small reactor and associated product separator, recovery and holding equipment. These processes are only capable of producing small quantities of product.

    Block means a time period equal to, at a maximum, the duration of a single batch.

    Car seal means a seal that is placed on a device that is used to change the position of a valve (e.g., from opened to closed) in such a way that the position of the valve cannot be changed without breaking the seal.

    Cleaning operation means routine rinsing, washing, or boil-off of equipment in batch operations between batches.

    Closed-loop system means an enclosed system that returns process fluid to the process and is not vented to the atmosphere except through a closed-vent system.

    Closed-purge system means a system or combination of system and portable containers, to capture purged liquids. Containers must be covered or closed when not being filled or emptied.

    Closed-vent system means a system that is not open to the atmosphere and is composed of piping, ductwork, connections, and, if necessary, flow inducing devices that transport gas or vapor from an emission point to a control device.

    Combustion device means an individual unit of equipment, such as a flare, incinerator, process heater, or boiler, used for the combustion of organic HAP vapors.

    Connector means flanged, screwed, or other joined fittings used to connect two pipe lines or a pipe line and a piece of equipment. A common connector is a flange. Joined fittings welded completely around the circumference of the interface are not considered connectors for the purpose of this regulation. For the purpose of reporting and record keeping, connector means joined fittings that are not inaccessible, ceramic, or ceramic-lined as described in § 63.1255(b)(1)(vii) and 63.1255(f)(3).

    Construction means the onsite fabrication, erection, or installation of an affected source or dedicated PAI process unit. Addition of new equipment to an affected source does not constitute construction, provided the new equipment is not a dedicated PAI process unit with the potential to emit 10 tons/yr of any one HAP or 25 tons/yr of combined HAP, but it may constitute reconstruction of the affected source or PAI process unit if it satisfies the definition of reconstruction in this section. At an affected source, changing raw materials processed and reconfiguring non-dedicated equipment to create a non-dedicated PAI process unit do not constitute construction.

    Consumption means the quantity of all HAP raw materials entering a process in excess of the theoretical amount used as reactant, assuming 100 percent stoichiometric conversion. The raw materials include reactants, solvents, and any other additives. If HAP are generated in the process as well as added as raw material, consumption includes the quantity generated in the process.

    Container, as used in the wastewater provisions, means any portable waste management unit that has a capacity greater than or equal to 0.1 m3 in which a material is stored, transported, treated, or otherwise handled. Examples of containers are drums, barrels, tank trucks, barges, dumpsters, tank cars, dump trucks, and ships.

    Continuous process means a process where the inputs and outputs flow continuously throughout the duration of the process. Continuous processes typically approach steady state.

    Continuous seal means a seal that forms a continuous closure that completely covers the space between the wall of the storage vessel and the edge of the floating roof. A continuous seal may be a vapor-mounted, liquid-mounted, or metallic shoe seal.

    Controlled HAP emissions means the quantity of HAP components discharged to the atmosphere from an air pollution control device.

    Cover, as used in the wastewater provisions, means a device or system which is placed on or over a waste management unit containing wastewater or residuals so that the entire surface area is enclosed to minimize air emissions. A cover may have openings necessary for operation, inspection, and maintenance of the waste management unit such as access hatches, sampling ports, and gauge wells provided that each opening is closed when not in use. Examples of covers include a fixed roof installed on a wastewater tank, a lid installed on a container, and an air-supported enclosure installed over a waste management unit.

    Dedicated PAI process unit means a PAI process unit constructed from equipment that is fixed in place and designed and operated to produce only a single product or co-products. The equipment is not designed to be reconfigured to create different process units, and it is not operated with different raw materials so as to produce different products.

    Double block and bleed system means two block valves connected in series with a bleed valve or line that can vent the line between the two block valves.

    Duct work means a conveyance system such as those commonly used for heating and ventilation systems. It is often made of sheet metal and often has sections connected by screws or crimping. Hard-piping is not ductwork.

    Equipment, for purposes of § 63.1363, means each pump, compressor, agitator, pressure relief device, sampling connection system, open-ended valve or line, valve, connector, and instrumentation system in organic hazardous air pollutant service.

    External floating roof means a pontoon-type or double-deck type cover that rests on the liquid surface in a storage tank or waste management unit with no fixed roof.

    FIFRA means the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.

    Fill or filling means the introduction of organic HAP into a storage tank or the introduction of a wastewater stream or residual into a waste management unit, but not necessarily to complete capacity.

    First attempt at repair means to take action for the purpose of stopping or reducing leakage of organic material to the atmosphere.

    Fixed roof means a cover that is mounted on a waste management unit or storage tank in a stationary manner and that does not move with fluctuations in liquid level.

    Flame ionization detector (FID) means a device in which the measured change in conductivity of a standard flame (usually hydrogen) due to the insertion of another gas or vapor is used to detect the gas or vapor.

    Floating roof means a cover consisting of a double deck, pontoon single deck, internal floating cover or covered floating roof, which rests upon and is supported by the liquid being contained, and is equipped with a continuous seal or seals to close the space between the roof edge and waste management unit or storage vessel wall.

    Flow indicator means a device that indicates whether gas flow is, or whether the valve position would allow gas flow to be, present in a line.

    Formulation of pesticide products means the mixing, blending, or diluting of a PAI with one or more other PAI or inert ingredients.

    Group 1 process vent means any process vent from a process at an existing or new affected source for which the uncontrolled organic HAP emissions from the sum of all process vents are greater than or equal to 0.15 Mg/yr and/or the uncontrolled hydrogen chloride (HCl) and chlorine emissions from the sum of all process vents are greater than or equal to 6.8 Mg/yr.

    Group 1 storage vessel means a storage vessel at an existing affected source with a capacity equal to or greater than 75 m3 and storing material with a maximum true vapor pressure greater than or equal to 3.45 kPa, a storage vessel at a new affected source with a capacity equal to or greater than 40 m3 and storing material with a maximum true vapor pressure greater than or equal to 16.5 kPa, or a storage vessel at a new affected source with a capacity greater than or equal to 75 m3 and storing material with a maximum true vapor pressure greater than or equal to 3.45 kPa.

    Group 1 wastewater stream means process wastewater at an existing or new source that meets the criteria for Group 1 status in § 63.132(c) for compounds in Table 9 of subpart G of this part or a maintenance wastewater stream that contains 5.3 Mg of compounds in Table 9 of subpart G of this part per discharge event.

    Group 2 process vent means any process vent that does not meet the definition of a Group 1 process vent.

    Group 2 storage vessel means a storage vessel that does not meet the definition of a Group 1 storage vessel.

    Group 2 wastewater stream means any wastewater stream that does not meet the definition of a Group 1 wastewater stream.

    Group of processes means all of the equipment associated with processes in a building, processing area, or facility-wide. A group of processes may consist of a single process.

    Halogenated compounds means organic compounds that contain chlorine atoms.

    Halogenated vent stream means a process, storage vessel, or waste management unit vent stream determined to have a concentration of halogenated compounds of greater than 20 ppmv, as determined through process knowledge, test results using Method 18 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, or test results using any other test method that has been validated according to the procedures in Method 301 of appendix A of this part.

    Hard-piping means piping or tubing that is manufactured and properly installed using good engineering judgment and standards, such as ANSI B31-3.

    Impurity means a substance that is produced coincidentally with the product(s), or is present in a raw material. An impurity does not serve a useful purpose in the production or use of the product(s) and is not isolated.

    In gas/vapor service means that a piece of equipment in organic HAP service contains a gas or vapor at operating conditions.

    In heavy liquid service means that a piece of equipment in organic HAP service is not in gas/vapor service or in light liquid service.

    In light liquid service means that a piece of equipment in organic HAP service contains a liquid that meets the following conditions:

    (1) The vapor pressure of one or more of the organic compounds is greater than 0.3 kPa at 20 °C;

    (2) The total concentration of the pure organic compounds constituents having a vapor pressure greater than 0.3 kPa at 20 °C is equal to or greater than 20 percent by weight of the total process stream; and

    (3) The fluid is a liquid at operating conditions.


    To definition of “In light liquid service: Vapor pressures may be determined by the methods described in 40 CFR 60.485(e)(1).

    In liquid service means that a piece of equipment in organic HAP service is not in gas/vapor service.

    In organic hazardous air pollutant or in organic HAP service means that a piece of equipment either contains or contacts a fluid (liquid or gas) that is at least 5 percent by weight of total organic HAP as determined according to the provisions of § 63.180(d) of subpart H of this part. The provisions of § 63.180(d) of subpart H of this part also specify how to determine that a piece of equipment is not in organic HAP service.

    In vacuum service means that equipment is operating at an internal pressure which is at least 5 kPa below ambient pressure.

    In-situ sampling systems means nonextractive samplers or in-line samplers.

    Individual drain system means the stationary system used to convey wastewater streams or residuals to a waste management unit or to discharge or disposal. The term includes: hard piping; all process drains and junction boxes; and associated sewer lines, other junction boxes, manholes, sumps, and lift stations conveying wastewater streams or residuals. A segregated stormwater sewer system, which is a drain and collection system designed and operated for the sole purpose of collecting rainfall-runoff at a facility, and which is segregated from all other individual drain systems, is excluded from this definition.

    Instrumentation system means a group of equipment components used to condition and convey a sample of the process fluid to analyzers and instruments for the purpose of determining process operating conditions (e.g., composition, pressure, flow, etc.). Valves and connectors are the predominant type of equipment used in instrumentation systems; however, other types of equipment may also be included in these systems. Only valves nominally 0.5 inches and smaller and connectors nominally 0.75 inches and smaller in diameter are considered instrumentation systems for the purposes of this subpart. Valves greater than nominally 0.5 inches and connectors greater than nominally 0.75 inches associated with instrumentation systems are not considered part of instrumentation systems and must be monitored individually.

    Integral intermediate means an intermediate for which 50 percent or more of the annual production is used in on-site production of any PAI(s) and that is not stored before being used in the production of another integral intermediate or the PAI(s). For the purposes of this definition, an intermediate is stored if it is discharged to a storage vessel and at least one of the following conditions is met: the processing equipment that discharges to the storage vessel is shutdown before the processing equipment that withdraws from the storage vessel is started up; during an annual period, the material must be stored in the vessel for at least 30 days before being used to make a PAI; or the processing equipment that discharges to the storage vessel is located in a separate building (or processing area) of the plant than the processing equipment that uses material from the storage vessel as a feedstock, and control equipment is not shared by the two processing areas. Any process unit that produces an intermediate and is subject to subpart F of this part is not an integral intermediate.

    Intermediate means an organic compound that is manufactured in a process and that is further processed or modified in one or more additional steps to ultimately produce a PAI.

    Internal floating roof means a cover that rests or floats on the liquid surface (but not necessarily in complete contact with it) inside a storage tank or waste management unit that has a permanently affixed roof.

    Junction box means a manhole or access point to a wastewater sewer system line or a lift station.

    Large control device means a control device that controls process vents, and the total HAP emissions into the control device from all sources are greater than or equal to 10 tons/yr.

    Liquid-mounted seal means a foam- or liquid-filled seal mounted in contact with the liquid between the wall of the storage vessel or waste management unit and the floating roof. The seal is mounted continuously around the tank or unit.

    Liquids dripping means any visible leakage from the seal including dripping, spraying, misting, clouding, and ice formation. Indications of liquid dripping include puddling or new stains that are indicative of an existing evaporated drip.

    Maintenance wastewater means wastewater generated by the draining of process fluid from components in the PAI process unit into an individual drain system prior to or during maintenance activities. Maintenance wastewater can be generated through planned or unplanned shutdowns and during periods not associated with a shutdown. Examples of activities that can generate maintenance wastewaters include descaling of heat exchanger tubing bundles, cleaning of distillation column traps, draining of low legs and high point bleeds, draining of pumps into an individual drain system, and draining of portions of the PAI process unit for repair.

    Malfunction means any sudden, infrequent, and not reasonably preventable failure of air pollution control equipment, emissions monitoring equipment, process equipment, or a process to operate in a normal or usual manner which causes, or has the potential to cause, the emission limitations in an applicable standard to be exceeded. Failures that are caused all or in part by poor maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions.

    Maximum true vapor pressure means the equilibrium partial pressure exerted by the total organic HAP in the stored or transferred liquid at the temperature equal to the highest calendar-month average of the liquid storage or transferred temperature for liquids stored or transferred above or below the ambient temperature or at the local maximum monthly average temperature as reported by the National Weather Service for liquids stored or transferred at the ambient temperature, as determined:

    (1) In accordance with methods described in Chapter 19.2 of the American Petroleum Institute's Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Evaporative Loss From Floating-Roof Tanks (incorporated by reference as specified in § 63.14 in subpart A of this part); or

    (2) As obtained from standard reference texts; or

    (3) As determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials Method D2879-97, Test Method for Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relationship and Initial Decomposition Temperature of Liquids by Isoteniscope (incorporated by reference as specified in § 63.14 of subpart A of this part); or

    (4) Any other method approved by the Administrator.

    Metallic shoe seal or mechanical shoe seal means metal sheets that are held vertically against the wall of the storage tank by springs, weighted levers, or other mechanisms and connected to the floating roof by braces or other means. A flexible coated fabric (envelope) spans the annular space between the metal sheet and the floating roof.

    Non-dedicated PAI process unit means a process unit that is not a dedicated PAI process unit.

    Nonrepairable means that it is technically infeasible to repair a piece of equipment from which a leak has been detected without a process shutdown.

    Open-ended valve or line means any valve, except pressure relief valves, having one side of the valve seat in contact with process fluid and one side open to atmosphere, either directly or through open piping.

    Operating scenario, for the purposes of reporting and recordkeeping, means a description of a PAI process unit, including: identification of each wastewater point of determination (POD) and process vent, their associated emissions episodes and durations, and their associated level of control and control devices, as applicable; calculations and engineering analyses required to demonstrate compliance; and a description of operating and/or testing conditions for any associated control device.

    Organic compound, as used in the definitions of intermediate and PAI, means any compound that contains both carbon and hydrogen with or without other elements.

    Organic HAP means those HAP listed in section 112(b) of the CAA that are measured according to the procedures of Method 18 or Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.

    Pesticide active ingredient or PAI means any material that is an active ingredient within the meaning of FIFRA section 2(a); that is used to produce an insecticide, herbicide, or fungicide end use pesticide product; that consists of one or more organic compounds; and that must be labeled in accordance with 40 CFR part 156 for transfer, sale, or distribution. These materials are typically described by North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Codes 325199 and 32532 (i.e., previously known as Standard Industrial Classification System Codes 2869 and 2879). These materials are identified by product classification codes 01, 21, 02, 04, 44, 07, 08, and 16 in block 19 on the 1999 version of EPA form 3540-16, the Pesticides Report for Pesticide-Producing Establishments. The materials represented by these codes are: insecticides; insecticide-fungicides; fungicides; herbicides; herbicide-fungicides; plant regulators; defoliants, desiccants; or multi-use active ingredients.

    Pesticide active ingredient manufacturing process unit (PAI process unit) means a process unit that is used to produce a material that is primarily used as a PAI or integral intermediate. A PAI process unit consists of: the process, as defined in this subpart; associated storage vessels, as determined by the procedures in § 63.1360(f); equipment identified in § 63.1362(k); connected piping and ducts; and components such as pumps, compressors, agitators, pressure relief devices, sampling connection systems, open-ended valves or lines, valves, connectors, and instrumentation systems. A material is primarily used as a PAI or integral intermediate if more than 50 percent of the projected annual production from a process unit in the 3 years after June 23, 1999 or startup, whichever is later, is used as a PAI or integral intermediate; recordkeeping is required if the material is used as a PAI or integral intermediate, but not as the primary use. If the primary use changes to a PAI or integral intermediate, the process unit becomes a PAI process unit unless it is already subject to the HON. If the primary use changes from a PAI or integral intermediate to another use, the process unit remains a PAI process unit. Any process tank containing an integral intermediate is part of the PAI process unit used to produce the integral intermediate. A process unit that produces an intermediate that is not an integral intermediate may be designated as a PAI process unit according to the procedures of § 63.1360(g). Formulation of pesticide products is not considered part of a PAI process unit. Quality assurance and quality control laboratories are not considered part of a PAI process unit.

    Plant site means all contiguous or adjoining property that is under common control, including properties that are separated only by a road or other public right-of-way. Common control includes properties that are owned, leased, or operated by the same entity, parent entity, subsidiary, or any combination thereof.

    Point of determination (POD) means each point where a wastewater stream exits the PAI process unit.

    Note to definition of “point of determination”:

    The regulation allows determination of the characteristics of a wastewater stream: at the point of determination; or downstream of the point of determination if corrections are made for changes in flow rate and annual average concentration of Table 9 compounds as determined in § 63.144 of subpart G of this part. Such changes include: losses by air emissions, reduction of annual average concentration or changes in flow rate by mixing with other water or wastewater streams, and reduction in flow rate or annual average concentration by treating or otherwise handling the wastewater stream to remove or destroy HAP.

    Pressure release means the emission of materials resulting from the system pressure being greater than the set pressure of the pressure relief device. This release can be one release or a series of releases over a short time period due to a malfunction in the process.

    Pressure relief device or valve means a safety device used to prevent operating pressures from exceeding the maximum allowable working pressure of the process equipment. A common pressure relief device is a spring-loaded pressure relief valve. Devices that are actuated either by a pressure of less than or equal to 2.5 pounds per square inch gauge or by a vacuum are not pressure relief devices.

    Process means a logical grouping of processing equipment which collectively function to produce a product. For the purpose of this subpart, a PAI process includes all, or a combination of, reaction, recovery, separation, purification, treatment, cleaning, and other activities or unit operations which are used to produce a PAI or integral intermediate. Ancillary activities are not considered a PAI process or any part of a PAI process. Ancillary activities include boilers and incinerators (not used to comply with the provisions of § 63.1362), chillers or refrigeration systems, and other equipment and activities that are not directly involved (i.e., they operate within a closed system and materials are not combined with process fluids) in the processing of raw materials or the manufacturing of a PAI. A PAI process and all integral intermediate processes for which 100 percent of the annual production is used in the production of the PAI may be linked together and defined as a single PAI process unit.

    Process condenser means a condenser whose primary purpose is to recover material as an integral part of a unit operation. The condenser must cause a vapor-to-liquid phase change for periods during which the temperature of liquid in the process equipment is at or above its boiling or bubble point. Examples of process condensers include distillation condensers, reflux condensers, and condensers used in stripping or flashing operation. In a series of condensers, all condensers up to and including the first condenser with an exit gas temperature below the boiling or bubble point of the liquid in the process equipment are considered to be process condensers. All condensers in line prior to the vacuum source are included in this definition.

    Process shutdown means a work practice or operational procedure that stops production from a process or part of a process during which it is technically feasible to clear process material from a process or part of a process consistent with safety constraints and during which repairs can be effected. An unscheduled work practice or operational procedure that stops production from a process or part of a process for less than 24 hours is not a process shutdown. An unscheduled work practice or operational procedure that would stop production from a process or part of a process for a shorter period of time than would be required to clear the process or part of the process of materials and start up the process, and would result in greater emissions than delay of repair of leaking components until the next scheduled process shutdown, is not a process shutdown. The use of spare equipment and technically feasible bypassing of equipment without stopping production are not process shutdowns.

    Process tank means a tank that is used within a process to collect material discharged from a feedstock storage vessel or equipment within the process before the material is transferred to other equipment within the process or a product storage vessel. In many process tanks, unit operations such as reactions and blending are conducted. Other process tanks, such as surge control vessels and bottom receivers, however, may not involve unit operations.

    Process unit means the equipment assembled and connected by pipes or ducts to process raw materials and to manufacture an intended product.

    Process unit group means a group of process units that manufacture PAI and products other than PAI by alternating raw materials or operating conditions, or by reconfiguring process equipment. A process unit group is determined according to the procedures specified in § 63.1360(g).

    Process vent means a point of emission from processing equipment to the atmosphere or a control device. The vent may be the release point for an emission stream associated with an individual unit operation, or it may be the release point for emission streams from multiple unit operations that have been manifolded together into a common header. Examples of process vents include, but are not limited to, vents on condensers used for product recovery, bottom receivers, surge control vessels, reactors, filters, centrifuges, process tanks, and product dryers. A vent is not considered to be a process vent for a given emission episode if the undiluted and uncontrolled emission stream that is released through the vent contains less than 50 ppmv HAP, as determined through process knowledge that no HAP are present in the emission stream; using an engineering assessment as discussed in § 63.1365(c)(2)(ii); from test data collected using Method 18 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A; or from test data collected using any other test method that has been validated according to the procedures in Method 301 of appendix A of this part. Process vents do not include vents on storage vessels regulated under § 63.1362(c), vents on wastewater emission sources regulated under § 63.1362(d), or pieces of equipment regulated under § 63.1363.

    Process wastewater means wastewater which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with, or results from, the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product, or waste product. Examples include: product tank drawdown or feed tank drawdown; water formed during a chemical reaction or used as a reactant; water used to wash impurities from organic products or reactants; water used to clean process equipment; water used to cool or quench organic vapor streams through direct contact; and condensed steam from jet ejector systems pulling vacuum on vessels containing organics.

    Product means the compound(s) or chemical(s) that are produced or manufactured as the intended output of a process unit. Impurities and wastes are not considered products.

    Product dryer means equipment that is used to remove moisture or other liquid from granular, powdered, or other solid PAI or integral intermediate products prior to storage, formulation, shipment, or other uses. The product dryer is part of the process.

    Product dryer vent means a process vent from a product dryer through which a gas stream containing gaseous pollutants (i.e., organic HAP, HCl, or chlorine), particulate matter, or both are released to the atmosphere or are routed to a control device.

    Production-indexed HAP consumption factor (HAP factor) is the result of dividing the annual consumption of total HAP by the annual production rate, per process.

    Production-indexed VOC consumption factor (VOC factor) is the result of dividing the annual consumption of total VOC by the annual production rate, per process.

    Publicly owned treatment works (POTW) is defined at 40 CFR part 403.3(0).

    Reactor means a device or vessel in which one or more chemicals or reactants, other than air, are combined or decomposed in such a way that their molecular structures are altered and one or more new organic compounds are formed.

    Reconfiguration means disassembly of processing equipment for a particular non-dedicated process unit and reassembly of that processing equipment in a different sequence, or in combination with other equipment, to create a different non-dedicated process unit.

    Reconstruction, as used in § 63.1360(b), shall have the meaning given in § 63.2, except that “affected or previously unaffected stationary source” shall mean either “affected facility” or “PAI process unit.”

    Recovery device, as used in the wastewater provisions, means an individual unit of equipment capable of, and normally used for the purpose of, recovering chemicals for fuel value (i.e., net positive heating value), use, reuse, or for sale for fuel value, use, or reuse. Examples of equipment that may be recovery devices include organic removal devices such as decanters, strippers, or thin-film evaporation units. To be a recovery device, a decanter and any other equipment based on the operating principle of gravity separation must receive only multi-phase liquid streams.

    Repaired means that equipment is adjusted, or otherwise altered, to eliminate a leak as defined in the applicable paragraphs of § 63.1363.

    Research and development facility means any stationary source whose primary purpose is to conduct research and development, where the operations are under the close supervision of technically trained personnel, and is not engaged in the manufacture of products for commercial sale, except in a de minimis manner.

    Residual means any liquid or solid material containing Table 9 compounds (as defined in § 63.111 of subpart G of this part) that is removed from a wastewater stream by a waste management unit or treatment process that does not destroy organics (nondestructive unit). Examples of residuals from nondestructive wastewater management units include the organic layer and bottom residue removed by a decanter or organic-water separator and the overheads from a steam stripper or air stripper. Examples of materials which are not residuals include: silt; mud; leaves; bottoms from a steam stripper or air stripper; and sludges, ash, or other materials removed from wastewater being treated by destructive devices such as biological treatment units and incinerators.

    Safety device means a closure device such as a pressure relief valve, frangible disc, fusible plug, or any other type of device which functions exclusively to prevent physical damage or permanent deformation to a unit or its air emission control equipment by venting gases or vapors directly to the atmosphere during unsafe conditions resulting from an unplanned, accidental, or emergency event. For the purposes of this subpart, a safety device is not used for routine venting of gases or vapors from the vapor headspace underneath a cover such as during filling of the unit or to adjust the pressure in this vapor headspace in response to normal daily diurnal ambient temperature fluctuations. A safety device is designed to remain in a closed position during normal operations and open only when the internal pressure, or another relevant parameter, exceeds the device threshold setting applicable to the air emission control equipment as determined by the owner or operator based on manufacturer recommendations, applicable regulations, fire protection and prevention codes, standard engineering codes and practices, or other requirements for the safe handling of flammable, combustible, explosive, reactive, or hazardous materials.

    Sampling connection system means an assembly of equipment within a process unit used during periods of representative operation to take samples of the process fluid. Equipment used to take nonroutine grab samples is not considered a sampling connection system.

    Sensor means a device that measures a physical quantity or the change in a physical quantity, such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, pH, or liquid level.

    Set pressure means the pressure at which a properly operating pressure relief device begins to open to relieve atypical process system operating pressure.

    Sewer line means a lateral, trunk line, branch line, or other conduit including, but not limited to, grates, trenches, etc., used to convey wastewater streams or residuals to a downstream waste management unit.

    Shutdown means the cessation of operation of a continuous PAI process unit for any purpose. Shutdown also means the cessation of a batch PAI process unit or any related individual piece of equipment required or used to comply with this part or for emptying and degassing storage vessels for periodic maintenance, replacement of equipment, repair, or any other purpose not excluded from this definition. Shutdown does not apply to cessation of a batch PAI process unit at the end of a campaign or between batches (e.g., for rinsing or washing equipment), for routine maintenance, or for other routine operations.

    Small control device means a control device that controls process vents, and the total HAP emissions into the control device from all sources are less than 10 tons of HAP per year.

    Startup means the setting in operation of a continuous PAI process unit for any purpose, the first time a new or reconstructed batch PAI process unit begins production, or, for new equipment added, including equipment used to comply with this subpart, the first time the equipment is put into operation. For batch process units, startup does not apply to the first time the equipment is put into operation at the start of a campaign to produce a product that has been produced in the past, after a shutdown for maintenance, or when the equipment is put into operation as part of a batch within a campaign. As used in § 63.1363, startup means the setting in operation of a piece of equipment or a control device that is subject to this subpart.

    Storage vessel means a tank or other vessel that is used to store organic liquids that contain one or more HAP and that has been assigned, according to the procedures in § 63.1360(f) or (g), to a PAI process unit that is subject to this subpart MMM. The following are not considered storage vessels for the purposes of this subpart:

    (1) Vessels permanently attached to motor vehicles such as trucks, railcars, barges, or ships;

    (2) Pressure vessels designed to operate in excess of 204.9 kilopascals and without emissions to the atmosphere;

    (3) Vessels storing material that contains no organic HAP or contains organic HAP only as impurities;

    (4) Wastewater storage tanks;

    (5) Process tanks; and

    (6) Nonwastewater waste tanks.

    Supplemental gases means any nonaffected gaseous streams (streams that are not from process vents, storage vessels, equipment or waste management units) that contain less than 50 ppmv TOC and less than 50 ppmv total HCl and chlorine, as determined through process knowledge, and are combined with an affected vent stream. Supplemental gases are often used to maintain pressures in manifolds or for fire and explosion protection and prevention. Air required to operate combustion device burner(s) is not considered a supplemental gas.

    Surface impoundment means a waste management unit which is a natural topographic depression, manmade excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials (although it may be lined with manmade materials), which is designed to hold an accumulation of liquid wastes or waste containing free liquids. A surface impoundment is used for the purpose of treating, storing, or disposing of wastewater or residuals, and is not an injection well. Examples of surface impoundments are equalization, settling, and aeration pits, ponds, and lagoons.

    Total organic compounds (TOC) means those compounds measured according to the procedures of Method 18 or Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.

    Treatment process means a specific technique that removes or destroys the organics in a wastewater or residual stream such as a steam stripping unit, thin-film evaporation unit, waste incinerator, biological treatment unit, or any other process applied to wastewater streams or residuals to comply with § 63.138 of subpart G of this part. Most treatment processes are conducted in tanks. Treatment processes are a subset of waste management units.

    Uncontrolled HAP emissions means a gas stream containing HAP which has exited the process (or process condenser, if any), but which has not yet been introduced into an air pollution control device to reduce the mass of HAP in the stream. If the process vent is not routed to an air pollution control device, uncontrolled emissions are those HAP emissions released to the atmosphere.

    Unit operation means those processing steps that occur within distinct equipment that are used, among other things, to prepare reactants, facilitate reactions, separate and purify products, and recycle materials. Equipment used for these purposes includes, but is not limited to, reactors, distillation units, extraction columns, absorbers, decanters, dryers, condensers, and filtration equipment.

    Vapor-mounted seal means a continuous seal that completely covers the annular space between the wall of the storage tank or waste management unit and the edge of the floating roof, and is mounted such that there is a vapor space between the stored liquid and the bottom of the seal.

    Volatile organic compounds are defined in 40 CFR 51.100.

    Waste management unit means the equipment, structure(s), and/or device(s) used to convey, store, treat, or dispose of wastewater streams or residuals. Examples of waste management units include wastewater tanks, surface impoundments, individual drain systems, and biological wastewater treatment units. Examples of equipment that may be waste management units include containers, air flotation units, oil-water separators or organic-water separators, or organic removal devices such as decanters, strippers, or thin-film evaporation units. If such equipment is a recovery device, then it is part of a PAI process unit and is not a waste management unit.

    Wastewater means water that meets either of the conditions described in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition and is discarded from a PAI process unit that is at an affected source:

    (1) Is generated from a PAI process or a scrubber used to control emissions from a PAI process and contains either:

    (i) An annual average concentration of compounds in Table 9 of subpart G of this part of at least 5 ppmw and has an average flow rate of 0.02 L/min or greater; or

    (ii) An annual average concentration of compounds in Table 9 of subpart G of this part of at least 10,000 ppmw at any flow rate;

    (2) Is generated from a PAI process unit as a result of maintenance activities and contains at least 5.3 Mg of compounds listed in Table 9 of subpart G of this part per individual discharge event.

    Wastewater tank means a stationary waste management unit that is designed to contain an accumulation of wastewater or residuals and is constructed primarily of nonearthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, plastic) which provide structural support. Wastewater tanks used for flow equalization are included in this definition.

    Water seal controls means a seal pot, p-leg trap, or other type of trap filled with water (e.g., flooded sewers that maintain water levels adequate to prevent air flow through the system) that creates a water barrier between the sewer line and the atmosphere. The water level of the seal must be maintained in the vertical leg of a drain in order to be considered a water seal.

    [64 FR 33589, June 23, 1999, as amended at Nov. 21, 2001; 67 FR 59343, Sept. 20, 2002; 71 FR 20460, Apr. 20, 2006; 79 FR 17372, Mar. 27, 2014]