§ 63.2855 - How do I determine the quantity of oilseed processed?

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  • § 63.2855 How do I determine the quantity of oilseed processed?

    All oilseed measurements must be determined on an as received basis, as defined in § 63.2872. The as received basis refers to the oilseed chemical and physical characteristics as initially received by the source and prior to any oilseed handling and processing. By the end of each calendar month following an operating month, you must determine the tons as received of each listed oilseed processed for the operating month. The total oilseed processed for an operating month includes the total of each oilseed processed during all normal operating periods that occur within the operating month. If you have determined the tons of oilseed processed for 12 or more operating months, then you must also determine the 12 operating months rolling sum of each type oilseed processed by summing the tons of each type of oilseed processed for the previous 12 operating months. The 12 operating months rolling sum of each type of oilseed processed is used to calculate the compliance ratio as described in § 63.2840.

    (a) To determine the tons as received of each type of oilseed processed at your source, follow the procedures in your plan for demonstrating compliance to determine the items in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of this section:

    (1) The dates that define each operating status period. The dates that define each operating status period include the beginning date of each calendar month and the date of any change in the source operating status. If, prior to the effective date of this rule, your source determines the oilseed inventory on an accounting month rather than a calendar month basis, and you have 12 complete accounting months of approximately equal duration in a calendar year, you may substitute the accounting month time interval for the calendar month time interval. If you choose to use an accounting month rather than a calendar month, you must document this measurement frequency selection in your plan for demonstrating compliance, and you must remain on this schedule unless you request and receive written approval from the agency responsible for these NESHAP. The dates on each oilseed inventory log must be consistent with the dates recorded for the solvent inventory.

    (2) Source operating status. You must categorize the source operation for each recorded time interval. The source operating status for each time interval recorded on the oilseed inventory for each type of oilseed must be consistent with the operating status recorded on the solvent inventory logs as described in § 63.2853(a)(2).

    (3) Measuring the beginning and ending inventory for each oilseed. You are required to measure and record the oilseed inventory on the beginning and ending dates of each normal operating period that occurs during an operating month. An operating month is any calendar month with at least one normal operating period. You must consistently follow the procedures described in your plan for demonstrating compliance, as specified in § 63.2851, to determine the oilseed inventory on an as received basis and maintain readily available records of the oilseed inventory as described by § 63.2862(c)(3).

    (4) Tons of each oilseed received. Record the type of oilseed and tons of each shipment of oilseed received and added to your on-site storage.

    (5) Oilseed inventory adjustments. In some situations, determining the quantity of oilseed processed directly from the measured oilseed inventory and quantity of oilseed received is not an accurate estimate of the tons of oilseed processed for use in determining compliance ratios. For example, spoiled and molded oilseed removed from storage but not processed by your source will result in an overestimate of the quantity of oilseed processed. In such cases, you must adjust the oilseed inventory and provide a justification for the adjustment. Situations that may require oilseed inventory adjustments include, but are not limited to, the situations listed in paragraphs (a)(5)(i) through (v) of this section:

    (i) Oilseed that mold molds or otherwise become unsuitable for processing.

    (ii) Oilseed you sell before it enters the processing operation.

    (iii) Oilseed destroyed by an event such as a process malfunction, fire, or natural disaster.

    (iv) Oilseed processed through operations prior to solvent extraction such as screening, dehulling, cracking, drying, and conditioning; but that are not routed to the solvent extractor for further processing.

    (v) Periodic physical measurements of inventory. For example, some sources periodically empty oilseed storage silos to physically measure the current oilseed inventory. This periodic measurement procedure typically results in a small inventory correction. The correction factor, usually less than 1 percent, may be used to make an adjustment to the source's oilseed inventory that was estimated previously with indirect measurement techniques. To make this adjustment, your plan for demonstrating compliance must provide for such an adjustment.

    (b) Use Equation 1 of this section to determine the quantity of each oilseed type processed at your affected source during normal operating periods recorded within a calendar month. Equation 1 of this section follows:


    SEEDB = Tons of oilseed in the inventory at the beginning of normal operating period “i” as determined in accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of this section.

    SEEDE = Tons of oilseed in the inventory at the end of normal operating period “i” as determined in accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of this section.

    SEEDR = Tons of oilseed received during normal operating period “i” as determined in accordance with paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

    SEEDA = Tons of oilseed added or removed from the oilseed inventory during normal operating period “i” as determined in accordance with paragraph (a)(5) of this section.

    n = Number of normal operating periods in the calendar month during which this type oilseed was processed.

    (c) The quantity of each oilseed processed is the total tons of each type of listed oilseed processed during normal operating periods in the previous 12 operating months. You determine the tons of each oilseed processed by summing the monthly quantity of each oilseed processed for the previous 12 operating months. You must record the 12 operating months quantity of each type of oilseed processed by the end of each calendar month following an operating month. Use the 12 operating months quantity of each type of oilseed processed to determine the compliance ratio as described in § 63.2840. The quantity of oilseed processed does not include oilseed processed during the operating status periods in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section:

    (1) Nonoperating periods as described in § 63.2853 (a)(2)(ii).

    (2) Initial startup periods as described in § 63.2850(c)(2) or (d)(2).

    (3) Malfunction Before September 15, 2020, malfunction periods as described in § 63.2850(e)(2).

    (4) Exempt operation periods as described in § 63.2853 (a)(2)(v).

    (5) If any one of these four operating status periods span an entire calendar month, then the calendar month is treated as a nonoperating month and there is no compliance ratio determination.

    [66 FR 19011, Apr. 12, 2001, as amended at 85 FR 15630, Mar. 18, 2020]