§ 75.51 - General recordkeeping provisions for specific situations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Specific SO2emission record provisions for units with qualifying Phase I technology. In addition to the SO2 emissions information required in § 75.50(c) of this part, from January 1, 1997, through December 31, 1999, the owner or operator shall record the applicable information in this paragraph for each affected unit on which SO2 emission controls have been installed and operated for the purpose of meeting qualifying Phase I technology requirements pursuant to § 72.42 of this chapter and § 75.15.

    (1) For units with post-combustion emission controls:

    (i) Monitor-channel identification codes for each inlet and outlet SO2-diluent continuous emission monitoring system;

    (ii) Date and hour;

    (iii) Hourly average inlet SO2 emission rate (lb/mmBtu, rounded to nearest hundredth);

    (iv) Hourly average inlet SO2 concentration (ppm, rounded to the nearest tenth) adjusted for bias, if bias adjustment factor required (see § 75.24(d) of this part);

    (v) Hourly average outlet SO2 emission rate (lb/mmBtu, rounded to nearest hundredth);

    (vi) Hourly average outlet SO2 concentration (ppm, rounded to the nearest tenth) adjusted for bias, if bias adjustment factor required (see § 75.24(d) of this part);

    (vii) Percent data availability for both inlet and outlet SO2-diluent continuous emission monitoring systems (recorded to the nearest tenth of a percent), calculated pursuant to equation 8 of § 75.32 (for the first 8,760 unit operating hours following initial certification) and equation 9 of § 75.32, thereafter; and

    (viii) Emissions formula used to derive hourly average inlet and outlet SO2 emission rates for each affected unit or group of units using a common stack.

    (2) For units with combustion and/or pre-combustion emission controls:

    (i) Monitor-channel identification codes for each outlet SO2-diluent continuous emission monitoring system;

    (ii) Date and hour;

    (iii) Hourly average outlet SO2 emission rate (lb/mmBtu, rounded to nearest hundredth);

    (iv) For units with combustion controls, average daily inlet SO2 emission rate (lb/mmBtu, rounded to nearest hundredth), determined by coal sampling and analysis procedures in appendix F to this part; and

    (v) For units with pre-combustion controls (i.e., fuel pretreatment), fuel analysis demonstrating the weight, sulfur content, and gross calorific value of the product and raw fuel lots.

    (b) Specific parametric data record provisions for calculating substitute emissions data for units with add-on emission controls. In addition to the SO2 and NOx emissions data to be recorded under § 75.50, the owner or operator of an affected unit with add-on emission controls, where the owner or operator is using the approved site-specific parametric monitoring procedures for calculation of substitute data in accordance with § 75.34, shall also record for each hour during each missing data period the applicable information in this paragraph (b):

    (1) For units with add-on SO2 emission controls, for each hour of missing SO2 concentration or volumetric flow data:

    (i) The information required in § 75.50(b) of this part for SO2 concentration and volumetric flow if either one of these monitors is still operating;

    (ii) Date and hour;

    (iii) Number of operating scrubber modules;

    (iv) Feedrate of makeup slurry to each operating scrubber module (gal/min);

    (v) Average pressure differential across each operating scrubber module (inches of water column);

    (vi) For a unit with a wet flue gas desulfurization system, an inline measure of absorber pH for each operating scrubber module;

    (vii) For a unit with a dry flue gas desulfurization system, the inlet and outlet temperatures across each operating scrubber module;

    (viii) For a unit with a dry flue gas desulfurization system, the slurry feed rate (gal/min) to the atomizer nozzle; and

    (ix) Method of determination of SO2 concentration and volumetric flow, using Codes 1-13 in table 3 of § 75.50 of this part.

    (2) For units with add-on NOx emission controls, for each hour of missing NOx emission rate data:

    (i) Date and hour;

    (ii) Inlet air flow rate (acfh, rounded to the nearest thousand);

    (iii) Excess O2 concentration of flue gas at stack outlet (rounded to nearest tenth of a percent);

    (iv) CO concentration of flue gas at stack outlet (ppm, rounded to the nearest tenth);

    (v) Temperature of flue gas at furnace exit or economizer outlet duct (°F); and

    (vi) Other parameters specific to NOx emission controls (e.g., average hourly reagent feedrate).

    (c) Specific SO2emission record provisions for gas-fired or oil-fired units using optional protocol in appendix D to this part. In lieu of recording the information in § 75.50(c) of this section, the owner or operator shall record the applicable information in this paragraph for each affected gas-fired or oil-fired unit for which the owner or operator is using the optional protocol in appendix D to this part for estimating SO2 mass emissions.

    (1) When the unit is combusting oil:

    (i) Date and hour;

    (ii) Hourly flow rate of oil with the units in which oil flow is recorded, (gal/hr, lb/hr, or bbl/hr, rounded to the nearest tenth);

    (iii) Sulfur content of daily oil sample, rounded to nearest tenth of a percent;

    (iv) Method of oil sampling (flow proportional, continuous drip, or manual);

    (v) Mass of oil combusted each hour (lb/hr, rounded to the nearest tenth); and

    (vi) Hourly SO2 mass emissions (lb/hr, rounded to the nearest tenth).

    (2) For gas-fired units or oil-fired units using the optional protocol in appendix D of this part of daily manual oil sampling, when the unit is combusting oil, the highest sulfur content recorded from the most recent 30 daily oil samples rounded to nearest tenth of a percent.

    (3) When the unit is combusting natural gas:

    (i) Date and hour;

    (ii) Daily heat input from natural gas according to procedures in appendix F to this part (mmBtu, rounded to the nearest tenth);

    (iii) Sulfur content or SO2 emission rate, in one of the following formats, in accordance with the appropriate procedure from appendix D of this part:

    (A) Sulfur content of daily gas sample, (rounded to the nearest 0.1 grains/100 scf) and the volume of gas combusted per day, in 100 scf; or

    (B) SO2 emission rate from NADB (in lb/mmBtu).

    (d) Specific NOxemission record provisions for gas-fired peaking units or oil-fired peaking units using optional protocol in appendix E of this part. In lieu of recording the information in paragraph § 75.50(d), the owner or operator shall record the applicable information in this paragraph for each affected gas-fired peaking unit or oil-fired peaking unit for which the owner or operator is using the optional protocol in appendix E to this part for estimating NOx emission rate.

    (1) When the unit is combusting oil:

    (i) Date and hour;

    (ii) Average hourly fuel flow of oil with the units in which oil flow is recorded (gal/hour or bbl/hour);

    (iii) NOx emission rate F-factor for oil combusted according to procedure in appendix E to this part; and

    (iv) Average hourly NOx emission rate (lb/mmBtu, rounded to nearest tenth).

    (2) When the unit is combusting natural gas:

    (i) Date and hour;

    (ii) Average daily fuel flow of natural gas (million cubic ft);

    (iii) NOx emission rate F-factor for gas combusted according to procedure in appendix E to this part; and

    (iv) Average daily NOx emission rate (lb/mmBtu, rounded to nearest tenth).