§ 75.52 - Certification, quality assurance and quality control record provisions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The owner or operator shall record the applicable information in this section for each certified monitor or certified monitoring system (including certified backup or certified portable monitors) measuring and recording emissions or flow from an affected unit.

    (1) For each SO2 or NOx pollutant concentration monitor, flow monitor, CO2 monitor, or diluent gas monitor, the owner or operator shall record the following for all daily and 7-day calibration error tests, including any follow-up tests after corrective action:

    (i) Monitor-channel identification code;

    (ii) Instrument span;

    (iii) Date and hour;

    (iv) Reference value (i.e., calibration gas concentration or reference signal value, in ppm or other appropriate units);

    (v) Observed value (monitor response during calibration, in ppm or other appropriate units);

    (vi) Percent calibration error (rounded to nearest tenth of a percent);

    (vii) Number of out-of-control hours, if any, following test; and

    (viii) Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance following test.

    (2) For each flow monitor, the owner or operator shall record the following for all daily interference checks, including any follow-up tests after corrective action:

    (i) Code indicating whether monitor passes or fails the interference check;

    (ii) Number of out-of-control hours, if any, following test; and

    (iii) Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance following test.

    (3) For each SO2 or NOx pollutant concentration monitor, CO2 monitor, or diluent gas monitor, the owner or operator shall record the following for the initial and all subsequent linearity check(s), including any follow-up tests after corrective action:

    (i) Monitor-channel identification code;

    (ii) Instrument span;

    (iii) Date and hour;

    (iv) Reference value (i.e., reference gas concentration, in ppm or other appropriate units);

    (v) Observed value (average monitor response at each reference gas concentration, in ppm or other appropriate units);

    (vi) Percent error at each of three reference gas concentrations (rounded to nearest tenth of a percent);

    (vii) Number of out-of-control hours, if any, following test; and

    (viii) Description of any adjustments, corrective action, or maintenance following test.

    (4) For each flow monitor, where applicable, the owner or operator shall record the following for all quarterly leak checks, including any follow-up tests after corrective action:

    (i) Code indicating whether monitor passes or fails the quarterly leak check;

    (ii) Number of out-of-control hours, if any, following test; and

    (iii) Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance following test.

    (5) For each SO2 pollutant concentration monitor, flow monitor, CO2 pollutant concentration monitor, NOx continuous emission monitoring system, SO2-diluent continuous emission monitoring system, and approved alternative monitoring system, the owner or operator shall record the following information for the initial and all subsequent relative accuracy tests and test audits:

    (i) Date and hour;

    (ii) Reference method(s) used;

    (iii) Individual test run data from the relative accuracy test audit for the SO2 concentration monitor, flow monitor, CO2 pollutant concentration monitor, NOx continuous emission monitoring system, SO2-diluent continuous emission monitoring system, or approved alternative monitoring systems, including:

    (A) Date, hour, and minute of beginning of test run,

    (B) Date, hour, and minute of end of test run,

    (C) Monitor-channel identification code,

    (D) Run number,

    (E) Run data for monitor;

    (F) Run data for reference method; and

    (G) Flag value (0 or 1) indicating whether run has been used in calculating relative accuracy and bias values.

    (iv) Calculations and tabulated results, as follows:

    (A) Arithmetic mean of the monitoring system measurement values, of the reference method values, and of their differences, as specified in equation A-7 in appendix A to this part.

    (B) Standard deviation, as specified in equation A-8 in appendix A to this part.

    (C) Confidence coefficient, as specified in equation A-9 in appendix A to this part.

    (D) Relative accuracy test results, as specified in equation A-10 in appendix A to this part. (For the 3-level flow monitor test only, relative accuracy test results should be recorded at each of three gas velocities. Each of these three gas velocities shall be expressed as a total integrated gross unit load, rounded to the nearest MWe.)

    (E) Bias test results as specified in section 7.6.4 in appendix A to this part.

    (F) Bias adjustment factor from equations A-11 and A-12 in appendix A to this part for any monitoring system or component that failed the bias test and 1.0 for any monitoring system or component that passed the bias test. (For flow monitors only, bias adjustment factors should be recorded at each of three gas velocities).

    (v) Number of out-of-control hours, if any, following test.

    (vi) Description of any adjustment, corrective action, or maintenance following test.

    (6) F-factor value(s) used to convert NOx pollutant concentration and diluent gas (O2 or CO2) concentration measurements into NOx emission rates (in lb/mmBtu), heat input or CO2 emissions.

    (7) Results of all trial runs and certification tests and quality assurance activities and measurements (including all reference method field test sheets, charts, records of combined system responses, laboratory analyses, and example calculations) necessary to substantiate compliance with all relevant appendices in this part.

    (b) [Reserved]