§ 80.66 - Calculation of reformulated gasoline properties.  

Latest version.
  • § 80.66 Calculation of reformulated gasoline properties.

    (a) All volume measurements required by these regulations shall be temperature adjusted to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

    (b) The percentage of oxygen by weight contained in a gasoline blend, based upon its percentage oxygenate by volume and density, shall exclude denaturants and water.

    (c) The properties of reformulated gasoline consist of per-gallon values separately and individually determined on a batch-by-batch basis using the methodologies specified in § 80.46 for each of those physical and chemical parameters necessary to determine compliance with the standards to which the gasoline is subject, and per-gallon values for the VOC, NOX, and toxics emissions performance standards to which the gasoline is subject.

    (d) Per-gallon oxygen content shall be determined based upon the weight percent oxygen of a representative sample of gasoline, using the method set forth in § 80.46(g). The total oxygen content associated with a batch of gasoline (in percent-gallons) is calculated by multiplying the weight percent oxygen content times the volume.

    (e) Per-gallon benzene content shall be determined based upon the volume percent benzene of a representative sample of a batch of gasoline by the method set forth in § 80.46(e). The total benzene content associated with a batch of gasoline (in percent-gallons) is calculated by multiplying the volume percent benzene content times the volume.

    (f) Per-gallon RVP shall be determined based upon the measurement of RVP of a representative sample of a batch of gasoline. The total RVP value associated with a batch of gasoline (in RVP-gallons) is calculated by multiplying the RVP times the volume.


    (1) Per gallon values for VOC and NOX emissions reduction shall be calculated using the methodology specified in § 80.45 that is appropriate for the gasoline.

    (2) Per-gallon values for toxic emissions performance reduction shall be established using:

    (i) For gasoline subject to the simple model, the methodology under § 80.42 that is appropriate for the gasoline; and

    (ii) For gasoline subject to the complex model, the methodology specified in § 80.45 that is appropriate for the gasoline.

    (3) The total VOC, NOX, and toxic emissions performance reduction values associated with a batch of gasoline (in percent reduction-gallons) is calculated by multiplying the per-gallon percent emissions performance reduction times the volume of the batch.

    [59 FR 7813, Feb. 16, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 36963, July 20, 1994; 79 FR 23641, Apr. 28, 2014]