Subpart H - Gasoline Sulfur  

Averaging, Banking and Trading (ABT) Program—General Information
Provisions for Foreign Refiners With Individual Sulfur Baselines
§ 80.410 - What are the additional requirements for gasoline produced at foreign refineries having individual small refiner sulfur baselines, foreign refineries granted temporary relief under § 80.270, or baselines for generating credits during 2000 through 2003?
Geographic Phase-in Program
§ 80.215 - What is the scope of the geographic phase-in program?
§ 80.216 - What standards apply to gasoline produced or imported for use in the GPA?
§ 80.217 - How does a refiner or importer apply for the GPA standards?
§ 80.218 - [Reserved]
§ 80.219 - Designation and downstream requirements for GPA gasoline.
§ 80.220 - What are the downstream standards for GPA gasoline?
Sampling, Testing and Retention Requirements for Refiners and Importers
§ 80.330 - What are the sampling and testing requirements for refiners and importers?
§ 80.335 - What gasoline sample retention requirements apply to refiners and importers?
§ 80.340 - What standards and requirements apply to refiners producing gasoline by blending blendstocks into previously certified gasoline (PCG)?
§ 80.345 - [Reserved]
§ 80.350 - What alternative sulfur standards and requirements apply to importers who transport gasoline by truck?
§ 80.355 - [Reserved]
ABT Program—Credit Generation
Abt Program - Baseline Determination
§ 80.295 - How is a refinery sulfur baseline determined?
§ 80.300 - [Reserved]
ABT Program—Baseline Determination
General Information
§§ 80.180--80.185 - [Reserved]
§ 80.190 - Who must register with EPA under the sulfur program?
Abt Program - Credit Generation
§ 80.305 - How are credits generated during the time period 2000 through 2003?
§ 80.310 - How are credits generated beginning in 2004?
Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
§ 80.360 - [Reserved]
§ 80.365 - What records must be kept?
§ 80.370 - What are the sulfur reporting requirements?
§§ 80.371--80.373 - [Reserved]
Abt Program - Credit Use
§ 80.315 - How are credits used and what are the limitations on credit use?
§§ 80.320--80.325 - [Reserved]
Gasoline Sulfur Standards
§ 80.195 - What are the gasoline sulfur standards for refiners and importers?
§ 80.200 - What gasoline is subject to the sulfur standards and requirements?
§ 80.205 - How is the annual refinery or importer average and corporate pool average sulfur level determined?
§ 80.210 - What sulfur standards apply to gasoline downstream from refineries and importers?
§ 80.211 - What are the requirements for treating imported gasoline as blendstock?
§ 80.212 - What requirements apply to oxygenate blenders?
§ 80.213 - What alternative sulfur standards and requirements apply to transmix processors and transmix blenders?
§ 80.214 - [Reserved]
§§ 80.213--80.214 - [Reserved]
Violation Provisions
§ 80.385 - What acts are prohibited under the gasoline sulfur program?
§ 80.390 - What evidence may be used to determine compliance with the prohibitions and requirements of this subpart and liability for violations of this subpart?
§ 80.395 - Who is liable for violations under the gasoline sulfur program?
§ 80.400 - What defenses apply to persons deemed liable for a violation of a prohibited act?
§ 80.405 - What penalties apply under this subpart?
Allotment Trading Program
§ 80.271 - How can a small refiner obtain an adjustment of its 2004-2007 per-gallon cap standard?
§ 80.275 - How are allotments generated and used?
§ 80.374 - What if a refiner or importer is unable to produce gasoline conforming to the requirements of this subpart?
§ 80.375 - What requirements apply to California gasoline?
§ 80.380 - What are the requirements for obtaining an exemption for gasoline used for research, development or testing purposes?
§ 80.382 - What requirements apply to gasoline for use in American Samoa, Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands?
ABT Program—Credit Use
§ 80.320 - [Reserved]
§ 80.325 - [Reserved]
Hardship Provisions
§ 80.225 - What is the definition of a small refiner?
§ 80.230 - Who is not eligible for the hardship provisions for small refiners?
§ 80.235 - How does a refiner obtain approval as a small refiner?
§ 80.240 - What are the small refiner gasoline sulfur standards?
§ 80.245 - How does a small refiner apply for a sulfur baseline?
§ 80.250 - How is the small refiner sulfur baseline and volume determined?
§ 80.255 - Compliance plans and demonstration of commitment to produce low sulfur gasoline.
§ 80.260 - What are the procedures and requirements for obtaining a hardship extension?
§ 80.265 - How will the EPA approve or disapprove a hardship extension application?
§ 80.270 - Can a refiner seek temporary relief from the requirements of this subpart?
Averaging, Banking and Trading (Abt) Program - General Information
§ 80.280 - [Reserved]
§ 80.285 - Who may generate credits under the ABT program?
§ 80.290 - How does a refiner apply for a sulfur baseline?
Attest Engagements
§ 80.415 - What are the attest engagement requirements for gasoline sulfur compliance applicable to refiners and importers?
Appendix D to Part 80 - Sampling Procedures for Fuel Volatility
Appendix E to Part 80 - Test for Determining Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) of Gasoline and Gasoline-Oxygenate Blends
Appendix F to Part 80 - Test for Determining the Quantity of Alcohol in Gasoline
Appendix G to Part 80 - Sampling Procedures for Diesel Fuel