§ 85.2229 - Dynamometer—EPA 81.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Applicability. The requirements of this subsection apply to short tests conducted under Emissions Performance Warranty through December 31, 1993. The requirements of §85.2230 apply concurrently until December 31, 1993, after which the requirements of §85.2230 are solely in effect. The following exceptions apply: in a state where the Administrator has approved a SIP revision providing for implementation of a basic centralized program meeting the requirements of part 51, subpart S of this chapter, according to the schedule specified in §51.373 of this chapter, the requirements of this section are concurrently in effect until June 30, 1994 for 1995 and earlier model year vehicles or engines; in a state where the Administrator has approved a SIP revision providing for implementation of an enhanced program meeting the requirements of part 51, subpart S of this chapter, according to the schedule specified in §51.373 of this chapter, the requirements of this section are concurrently in effect until December 31, 1995 for 1995 and earlier model year vehicles or engines.

    (b) The loaded test dynamometer shall be adjusted to produce a load of 9.0 ±1.0 hp at 30 mph.

    (c) Speed shall be measured from the dynamometer roll(s) with an accuracy of ±1.5 mph at 30 mph true roll speed.

    [49 FR 24323, June 12, 1984. Redesignated and amended at 58 FR 58403, 58414, Nov. 1, 1993]