§ 85.2405 - How much are the fees?  

Latest version.
  • (a) Fees for the 2004 and 2005 calendar years. For certification applications received for these calendar years that qualify for today's fees under the provisions of § 85.2401 (b), the fee for each certification request is in the following table:

    CategoryCertificate typeFee(1) LD, excluding ICIsFed Certificate$33,883(2) LD, excluding ICIsCal-only Certificate16,944(3) MDPV, excluding ICIsFed Certificate33,883(4) MDPV, excluding ICIsCal-only Certificate16,944(5) Complete SI HDVs, excluding ICIsFed Certificate33,883(6) Complete SI HDVs, excluding ICIsCal-only Certificate16,944(7) ICIs for the following industries: LD, MDPV, or Complete SI HDVsAll Types8,387(8) MC (HW), including ICIsAll Types2,414(9) HDE (HW), including ICIsFed Certificate21,578(10) HDE (HW), including ICIsCal-only Certificate826(11) HDV (evap), including ICIsEvap826(12) NR CI engines, including ICIs, but excluding Locomotives, Marine and Recreational enginesAll Types1,822(13) NR SI engines, including ICIsAll Types826(14) Marine engines, excluding inboard & sterndrive engines, including ICIsAll Types and Annex VI826(15) All NR Recreational, including ICIs, but excluding marine enginesAll Types826(16) Locomotives, including ICIsAll Types826

    (1) A manufacturer that requests a federal certificate for a marine engine family and an Annex VI for the same engine family will be charged the fee indicated in paragraph (a) of this section, Table item 14, for only the federal certificate.

    (2) [Reserved]

    (b) Fees for 2006 calendar year and beyond. (1) This subpart applies to manufacturers that submit certification requests received by the agency on or after January 1 of each calendar year beginning in 2006. The fees due for each certification request will be calculated using an equation which adjusts the fees in paragraph (a) of this section for the change in the consumer price index and the change in the total number of certificates issued for each fee category.

    (2) Certification requests which are complete, contain all required data, and are received prior to January 1 of each calendar year are subject to the fees provisions of the year that they are received by the Agency.

    (3) Fees for the 2006 and later calendar year certification requests will be calculated using the following equation:

    Certificate Feecy= [F + L* (CPICY-2/CPI2002)] *1.169/[(cert#MY-2+ cert#MY-3) * .5]

    (i) The values for F and L are listed in the following table:

    FL(1) LD Cert/FE$3,322,039$2,548,110(2) LD In-use2,858,2232,184,331(3) LD ICI344,824264,980(4) MC HW225,726172,829(5) HD HW1,106,2241,625,680(6) NR CI486,401545,160(7) Other177,425548,081

    (ii) EPA will notify manufacturers within 11 months of the calendar year in which fees are adjusted by this section, with the new fees for each category, the number of certificates for the appropriate model years and the applicable CPI values after the November CPI values for each year are made available by the U.S. Department of Labor.

    (1) Certificate fees for light-duty California-only certificates will be determined by applying the LD Cert/FE F and L values to the Certificate Fee equation in paragraph (b)(3) of this section. The certificate numbers in the equation will be the total of the number of California-only and federal light-duty certificates issued during the appropriate model years.

    (2) Certificate fees for light-duty federal certificates are determined in a 3 part process:

    (i) Apply the LD Cert/FE F and L values to the Certificate Fee equation in paragraph (b)(3) of this section. The certificate numbers in the equation will be the total of the number of California-only and federal light-duty certificates issued during the appropriate model years. This results in the Cert/FE portion of the LD certificate fee.

    (ii) Apply the LD In-use F and L values to the Certificate Fee equation in paragraph (b)(3) of this section. The certificate numbers in the equation will be the number of federal light-duty certificates issued during the appropriate model years. This results in the In-use portion of the LD certificate fee.

    (iii) Add the LD Cert/FE portion of the fee and LD In-use portion of the fee together to determine the total LD federal fee per certificate.

    (3) Certificate fees for all remaining categories of certificates are determined by applying the F and L values from the appropriate category to the Certificate Fee equation above. The certificate numbers in the equation will be the total number of certificates issued in that category during the appropriate model years.

    (c) A single fee will be charged when a manufacturer seeks to certify multiple evaporative families within a single engine family or test group. Manufacturers that seek to certify HDE evaporative families will be charged a fee for each evaporative family.

    (d) A body builder, who exceeds the maximum fuel tank size for a HDV that has been certified by an OEM and consequently makes a request for HDV certification, must pay a separate fee for each certification request. The fee will be that listed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, paragraph (c) does not apply.

    (e) Fees for stationary CI internal combustion engine certificate requests shall be calculated in the same manner as for NR CI certificate requests for engines with a displacement less than 10 liters per cylinder, and in the same manner as for marine engine certificate requests for engines with a displacement greater than or equal to 10 liters per cylinder. Fees for certificate requests where the certificate would apply to stationary and mobile engines shall be calculated in the same manner as fees for the certificate requests for the applicable mobile source engines.

    (f) Fees for stationary SI internal combustion engine certificate requests shall be calculated in the same manner as for NR SI certificate. Fees for certificate requests where the certificate would apply to stationary and mobile engines shall be calculated in the same manner as fees for the certificate requests for the applicable mobile source engines.