Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 40 - Protection of Environment |
Chapter I - Environmental Protection Agency |
SubChapter C - Air Programs |
Part 86 - Control of Emissions from New and in-Use Highway Vehicles and Engines |
Subpart K - Selective Enforcement Auditing of New Heavy-Duty Engines |
§ 86.1009-96 - Calculation and reporting of test results.
Section 86.1009-96 includes text that specifies requirements that differ from § 86.1009-84. Where a paragraph in § 86.1009-84 is identical and applicable to § 86.1009-96, this is indicated by specifying the corresponding paragraph and the statement “[Reserved]. For guidance see § 86.1009-84.” Where a corresponding paragraph of § 86.1009-84 is not applicable, this is indicated by the statement “[Reserved].”
(a) Initial test results are calculated following the test procedures specified in § 86.1008(a). Round these results to the number of decimal places contained in the applicable emission standard expressed to one additional significant figure. Rounding is done in accordance with ASTM E 29-90, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications. This procedure has been incorporated by reference (see § 86.1).
(b) Final test results are calculated by summing the initial test results within a specific FTP, CST, or Cold Temperature CO Test Procedure derived in paragraph (a) of this section for each test engine or vehicle, dividing by the number of times that specific FTP, CST, or Cold Temperature CO Test Procedure has been conducted on the engine or vehicle, and rounding in accordance with ASTM E29-90 to the same number of decimal places contained in the applicable standard expressed to one additional significant figure. Rounding is done in accordance with ASTM E 29-90, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications. This procedure has been incorporated by reference (see § 86.1).
Final deteriorated test results . (1) The final deteriorated test results for each heavy-duty engine or light-duty truck tested according to subpart B, C, D, I, N, or P of this part are calculated by multiplying or adding the final test results by the appropriate deterioration factor, derived from the certification process for the engine family-control system combination and model year for the selected configuration to which the test engine or vehicle belongs. If the multiplicative deterioration factor as computed during the certification process is less than one, that deterioration factor is one. If the additive deterioration factor as computed during the certification process is less than zero, that deterioration factor will be zero.(2) [Reserved]
(3)(i) There are no deterioration factors for light-duty vehicles tested in accordance with subpart O of this part. Accordingly, for the CST the term “final deteriorated test results” means the final test results derived in paragraph (b) of this section for each test vehicle.
(ii) There are no deterioration factors for light-duty trucks tested in accordance with § 86.146-96 or for heavy-duty vehicles tested in accordance with § 86.1246-96. Accordingly, for the Fuel Dispensing Spitback Test the term “final deteriorated test results” means the final test results derived in paragraph (b) of this section for each test vehicle.
(4) The final deteriorated test results are rounded to the same number of significant figures contained in the applicable standard in accordance with ASTM E 29-90, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications. This procedure has been incorporated by reference (see § 86.1).
(d) [Reserved]. For guidance see § 86.1009-84.