§ 86.1231-96 - Vehicle preparation.  

Latest version.
  • (a) For gasoline- and methanol-fueled vehicles prepare the fuel tank(s) for recording the temperature of the prescribed test fuel, as described in §86.1207-96(e).

    (b) Provide additional fittings and adapters, as required, to accommodate a fuel drain at the lowest point possible in the tank(s) as installed on the vehicle.

    (c) For preconditioning that involves loading the evaporative emission canister(s) with butane, provide valving or other means as necessary to allow purging and loading of the canister(s).

    (d) For vehicles to be tested for running loss emissions, prepare the fuel tank(s) for measuring and recording the temperature and pressure of the fuel tank as specified in §86.1207-96 (e) and (f). Measurement of vapor temperature is optional during the running loss test. If vapor temperature is not measured, fuel tank pressure need not be measured.

    (e) For vehicles to be tested for running loss emissions, prepare the exhaust system by sealing or plugging all detectable sources of exhaust gas leaks. The exhaust system shall be tested or inspected to ensure that detectable exhaust hydrocarbons are not emitted into the running loss enclosure during the running loss test.

    [58 FR 16056, Mar. 24, 1993, as amended at 60 FR 43904, Aug. 23, 1995]