§ 91.801 - Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • § 91.801 Applicability.

    The requirements of subpart I are applicable to all marine SI engines subject to the provisions of subpart A of part 91.

    (a) Marine engines subject to provisions of subpart B of this part are subject to recall regulations specified in 40 CFR part 85, subpart S, except for the items set forth in this subsection.

    (b) Reference to section 214 of the Clean Air Act in 40 CFR 85.1801(a) does not apply. Reference to section 216 of the Clean Air Act does apply.

    (c) Reference to section 202 of the Act in 40 CFR 85.1802(a) does not apply. Reference to section 213 of the Act does apply.

    (d) Reference to “family particulate emission limits as defined in Part 86 promulgated under section 202 of the Act” in 40 CFR 85.1803(a) and 85.1805(a)(1) does not apply. Family emission limits as defined in 40 CFR part 89 promulgated under section 213 of the Act does apply.

    (e) Add the following paragraph to 40 CFR 85.1805 (a)(9): A telephone number provided by the manufacturer, which may be used to report difficulty in obtaining recall repairs.

    (f) The requirements of the Manufacturer In-use testing program set forth in §§ 91.803 through 91.805 are waived for existing technology OB/PWC as defined in § 91.3 through model year 2003.

    (1) The Administrator has the discretion to waive the requirements of the Manufacturer In-use testing program set forth in sections 91.803 through 91.805 for existing technology OB/PWC for a specific engine family up to model year 2005 if, upon the request of the manufacturer, the Administrator determines that the engine family will be phased out of U.S. production by model year 2005. As a condition to receiving such a waiver for either model year 2004 or 2005 or both, the manufacturer must discontinue U.S. production according to the schedule upon which the Administrator based the waiver. Failure to do so by the manufacturer will void ab initio the certificate of conformity.

    (2) A manufacturer request under paragraph (f)(1) of this section must be in writing and must apply to a specific engine family. The request must identify the engine family designation, the schedule for phasing the engine family out of U.S. production, and any other information the Administrator may require.