§ 98.437 - Records that must be retained.  

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  • § 98.437 Records that must be retained.

    (a) In addition to the data required by § 98.3(g), importers of fluorinated GHGs in pre-charged equipment and closed-cell foams must retain the following records substantiating each of the imports that they report:

    (1) A copy of the bill of lading for the import.

    (2) The invoice for the import.

    (3) The U.S. Customs entry form.

    (4) Ports of entry through which the pre-charged equipment or closed-cell foams passed.

    (5) Countries from which the pre-charged equipment or closed-cell foams were imported.

    (6) For importers that report the mass of fluorinated GHGs within closed-cell foams on a CO2e basis, correspondence or other documents that show the importer was unable to obtain information on the identity and mass of fluorinated GHG within closed-cell foams from the foam manufacturer.

    (b) In addition to the data required by § 98.3(g), exporters of fluorinated GHGs in pre-charged equipment and closed-cell foams must retain the following records substantiating each of the exports that they report:

    (1) A copy of the bill of lading for the export and

    (2) The invoice for the export.

    (3) Ports of exit through which the pre-charged equipment or closed-cell foams passed.

    (4) Countries to which the pre-charged equipment or closed-cell foams were exported.

    (5) For exporters that report the mass of fluorinated GHGs within closed-cell foams on a CO2e basis, correspondence or other documents that show the exporter was unable to obtain information on the identity and mass of fluorinated GHG within closed-cell foams from the foam manufacturer.

    (c) For importers and exports of fluorinated GHGs inside pre-charged equipment and closed-cell foams, the GHG Monitoring Plans, as described in § 98.3(g)(5), must be completed by April 1, 2011.

    (d) Persons who transship pre-charged equipment and closed-cell foams containing fluorinated GHGs must maintain records that indicated that the pre-charged equipment or foam originated in a foreign country and was destined for another foreign country and did not enter into commerce in the United States.