§ 101-17.003-27 - Occupiable area.  

Latest version.
  • Occupiable area means that portion of the gross area which is available for use by an occupant's personnel or furnishings, including space which is available jointly to the various occupants of the building, such as auditoriums, health units, and snack bars. Occupiable area does not include that space in the building which is devoted to its operations and maintenance, including craft shops, gear rooms, and building supply storage and issue rooms. Nonpermanent ceiling-high corridors solely serving a single space assignment and permanent corridors restricted for the security purposes of a single space assignment are occupiable. Occupiable area is computed by measuring from the occupant's side of ceiling-high corridor partitions or partitions enclosing mechanical, toilet, and/or custodial space to the inside finish of permanent exterior building walls or to the face of the convector if the convector occupies at least 50 percent of the length of the exterior wall. When computing occupiable area separated by partitions, measurements are taken from the center line of such partitions.