§ 101-17.003-2a - Types of general purpose space.  

Latest version.
  • Space as defined in § 101-17.003-2 is categorized as being of the office, storage, or special type. The physical characteristics of the space are the basis for determining the proper space category.

    (a) Office space means space that must provide an acceptable environment suitable in its present state for an office operation. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, adequate lighting, air-conditioning, heating, ventilation, floor covering, finished walls, and accessibility. The space may consist of a large open area or may be partitioned into rooms. Private corridors, closets, and similar areas which have been created within office-type space through the erection of partitions shall be classified as office space. The following are representative of uses of office space.

    (1) General purpose office space.

    (2) Private corridors.

    (3) Conference rooms (without special equipment and additional heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning—HVAC).

    (4) Training rooms (without special equipment and HVAC).

    (5) Libraries (without extensive built-in stacks and special floor loading).

    (6) Dry laboratories.

    (7) Storage in office space.

    (8) Credit unions (without fixed equipment).

    (9) Lounges (other than toilet areas).

    (10) Reception areas.

    (11) Hearing rooms (without special equipment and HVAC).

    (12) Telephone switchboard rooms.

    (13) Mail rooms.

    (14) Health rooms (without special equipment).

    (b) Storage space means space generally consisting of concrete, woodblock or unfinished floors, bare block or brick interior walls, unfinished ceiling, and similar construction containing minimal lighting and heating. This type of space would include attics, basements, warehouses, sheds, unimproved areas of loft buildings, and unimproved building cores. All storage space will be classified under subsets of general storage area, inside parking area, or warehouse areas as follows:

    (1) General storage areas (storage in general purpose buildings) including:

    (i) Basements.

    (ii) Attics.

    (iii) Closets (not finished to office standards).

    (iv) Supply rooms (not finished to office standards).

    (v) Storerooms (not finished to office standards).

    (vi) File rooms (not finished to office standards).

    (vii) Warehouse areas of multiuse buildings.

    (2) Inside parking areas (garage space located in either a federally owned or leased building which is utilized for the parking of motor vehicles) including:

    (i) Garages.

    (ii) Parking area.

    (iii) Motor pool parking.

    (3) Warehouse areas (entire buildings with warehouse features, including minor amounts of supporting office space).

    (c) Special space means space which, because of architectural features or the installation of fixed (built-in) equipment and special utilities, necessitates the expenditure of varying sums to construct, maintain, and/or operate as compared to office and storage space. Special space is further defined as follows:

    (1) Laboratory and clinic areas (space containing built-in equipment and utilities required for the qualitative or quantitative analysis of matter, experimentation, the processing of materials, and/or the physical welfare of employees or the public) including:

    (i) Wet laboratories.

    (ii) Clean laboratories.

    (iii) Photographic laboratories.

    (iv) Clinics.

    (v) Health units and rooms (with special equipment).

    (vi) Private toilets.

    (2) Food service areas (space in building devoted to the preparation and dispensing of foodstuffs) including:

    (i) Cafeterias (kitchen and table areas).

    (ii) Snack bars.

    (iii) Mechanical vending areas.

    (iv) Private kitchens.

    (3) Structurally changed areas (areas having architectural features differing from normal office or storage areas such as sloped floors, high ceilings, and increased floor loading) including:

    (i) Auditoriums.

    (ii) Gymnasiums.

    (iii) Libraries (with special stacks and floor loading).

    (iv) Target ranges.

    (v) Security vaults.

    (vi) Courtrooms.

    (vii) U.S. Postal Service workrooms.

    (4) Automatic data processing areas (areas having special features such as humidity and temperature control, raised flooring, and special wiring) including:

    (i) Computer rooms.

    (ii) Support areas (with special flooring and wiring).

    (iii) Tape vaults.

    (5) Conference and training areas (areas used for conferences, training, and hearings with special equipment and supplemental HVAC) including:

    (i) Conference rooms.

    (ii) Hearing rooms.

    (iii) Training rooms.

    (iv) Exhibit areas.

    (v) Small courtrooms (no structural changes).

    (6) Light industrial areas including:

    (i) Records storage (with humidity control).

    (ii) Storage type space (with air-conditioning).

    (iii) Printing plants.

    (iv) Product classifying laboratories.

    (v) Motor Pool service areas.

    (vi) Postal workrooms, swingrooms, locker rooms, mailing vestibules and platforms, and lock box lobbies.

    (vii) Shops (other than PBS).

    (viii) Loading docks and shipping platforms.

    (ix) Canopy areas.

    (x) Vertical improved mail system areas.

    (7) Quarters and residential housing areas (housing and quarters that do not logically fall in the other categories).