§ 101-17.101 - Requests for space.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as provided in § 101-17.101-2, Federal agencies shall satisfy their space needs by submitting a Standard Form 81, Request for Space, to the GSA regional office responsible for the geographic area in which the space is required. A listing of GSA regional offices and the areas they service is shown in § 101-17.4801.

    (b) Heads of executive agencies shall:

    (1) Cooperate with and assist the Administrator of General Services in carrying out the Administrator's responsibilities with respect to buildings and space, recognizing the requirement that primary consideration be given to locating within the central business area in urban areas

    (2) Give the Administrator of General Services early notice of new or changing space requirements;

    (3) Economize in their requirements for space; and

    (4) Review continuously their needs for space in and near the District of Columbia, taking into account the feasibility of decentralizing services or activities which can be accomplished elsewhere in the Nation without excessive costs or significant loss of efficiency.