§ 101-17.103 - Application of socioeconomic considerations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Agencies shall cooperate with GSA in coordinating proposed programs and plans for buildings and space in a manner designed to exert a positive economic and social influence on the development or redevelopment of the areas in which such facilities will be located.

    (b) Whenever actions are proposed to accomplish the reassignment or utilization of space through the relocation of an existing major work force, the impact on low- and moderate-income and minority employees shall be considered where:

    (1) 100 or more low- and moderate-income employees are expected to be employed in the new space; and

    (2) The relocation involves residential relocation of a majority of the existing low- and moderate-income work force, a significant increase in their transportation or parking costs, travel time that exceeds 45 minutes to the new location or a 20 percent increase in travel time if travel time to the present facility already exceeds an average of 45 minutes.

    (c) The Department of Housing and Urban Development will be consulted concerning the availability on a nondiscriminatory basis of low- and moderate-income housing to the project area for those Federal employees who will work in the space to be assigned or reassigned when the action meets the criteria in paragraph (b) of this section.

    (d) When, after consultation, it is determined that (1) there is a lack of low- and moderate-income housing on a nondiscriminatory basis within reasonable proximity and (2) the location is not readily accessible from other areas of the urban center, an affirmative action plan shall be developed as described in § 101-19.101-4 with agency participation as described in § 101-19.101-5.