§ 101-18.104-3 - Agency special purpose space delegations.  

Latest version.
  • Subject to the limitations cited in § 101-18.104-1, the agencies listed below are authorized to acquire the types of space associated with that agency. Except where otherwise noted, agency special purpose space may be leased for terms, including all options, of up to 20 years. Such space may be located either inside or outside urban centers. The agencies and types of space subject to special purpose space delegations are as follows:

    (a) Department of Agriculture:

    (1) Cotton classing laboratories (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (2) Land (if unimproved, may be leased only on a fiscal year basis);

    (3) Miscellaneous storage by cubic foot or weight basis;

    (4) Office space when required to be located in or adjacent to stockyards, produce markets, produce terminals, airports, and other ports (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (5) Space for agricultural commodities stored in licensed warehouses and utilized under warehouse contracts;

    (6) Space utilized in cooperation with State and local governments or their instrumentalities (extension services) where the cooperating State or local government occupies a portion of the space and pays a portion of the rent.

    (b) Department of Commerce:

    (1) Census Bureau—Space required in connection with conducting the decennial census (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (2) Laboratories for testing materials, classified or ordnance devices, calibration of instruments, and atmospheric and oceanic research (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (3) Maritime training stations;

    (4) Radio stations;

    (5) Land (if unimproved, may be leased only on a fiscal year basis);

    (6) National Weather Service meteorological facilities.

    (c) Department of Defense:

    (1) Air Force—Civil Air Patrol Liaison Offices and land incidental thereto when required for use incidental to, in conjunction with, and in close proximity to airports, including aircraft and warning stations (if unimproved, land may be leased only on a fiscal year basis; for space, lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (2) Armories;

    (3) Film library in the vicinity of Washington, DC;

    (4) Leased building at Air Force Base, Jackson, MS;

    (5) Mess halls;

    (6) Ports of embarkation and debarkation;

    (7) Post exchanges;

    (8) Postal Concentration Center, Long Island City, NY;

    (9) Recreation centers;

    (10) Reserve training space;

    (11) Service clubs;

    (12) Testing laboratories (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years).

    (d) Department of Energy: Facilities housing the special purpose or special location activities of the old Atomic Energy Commission.

    (e) Federal Communications Commission: Monitoring station sites.

    (f) Department of Health and Human Services: Laboratories (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years).

    (g) Department of the Interior:

    (1) Space in buildings and land incidental thereto used by field crews of the Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, and the Geological Survey in areas where no other Government agencies are quartered (if unimproved, land may be leased only on a fiscal year basis);

    (2) National Parks/Monuments Visitors Centers consisting primarily of special purpose space (e.g., visitor reception, information, and rest room facilities) and not general office or administrative space.

    (h) Department of Justice:

    (1) U.S. marshals Office in any Alaska location (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (2) Border Patrol Offices similar in character and utilization to policy stations, involving the handling of prisoners, firearms, and motor vehicles, regardless of location (lease terms, including all options limited to 5 years);

    (3) Space used for storage and maintenance of surveillance vehicles and seized property (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (4) Space used for review and custody of records and other evidentiary materials (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (5) Space used for trail preparation where space is not available in Federal Buildings, Federal Courthouses, USPS facilities, or GSA-leased buildings (lease terms limited to not more than 1 year.)

    (i) Office of Thrift Supervision: Space for field offices of Examining Divisions required to be located within Office of Thrift Supervision buildings or immediately adjoining or adjacent to such buildings (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years).

    (j) Department of Transportation:

    (1) Federal Aviation Administration:

    (i) Land at airports (if unimproved, land may be leased only on a fiscal year basis);

    (ii) Not to exceed 10,000 square feet of space at airports that is used predominantly as general purpose office space in buildings under the jurisdiction of public or private airport authorities (lease terms, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (2) U.S. Coast Guard:

    (i) Space for the oceanic unit, Woods Hole, MA;

    (ii) Space for port security activities.

    (k) Department of the Treasury:

    (1) Comptroller of the Currency—Space and land incidental thereto for the use of the Comptroller of the Currency, as well as the operation, maintenance and custody thereof (if unimproved, land may be leased only on a fiscal year basis; for space, lease term, including all options, limited to 5 years);

    (2) U.S. Customs Service—Aerostat radar facilities necessary for agency mission activities;

    (l) Department of Veterans Affairs:

    (1) Guidance and training centers located at schools and colleges;

    (2) Space used for veterans hospitals, including outpatient and medical-related clinics, such as drug, mental health, and alcohol.