§ 101-20.307 - Alcoholic beverages and narcotics.  

Latest version.
  • Operations of a motor vehicle while on the property by a person under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, hallucinogens, marijuana, barbiturates, or amphetamines is prohibited. Entering upon the property, or while on the property, under the influence of or using or possessing any narcotic drugs, hallucinogens, marijuana, barbiturates, or amphetamines is prohibited. The prohibition shall not apply in cases where the drug is being used as prescribed for a patient by a licensed physician. Entering upon the property, or being on the property, under the influence of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. The use of alcoholic beverages on property is prohibited except, upon occasions and on property upon which the head of the responsible agency or his or her designee has for appropriate official uses granted an exemption in writing. The head of the responsible agency or his or her designee shall provide a copy of all exemptions granted to the buildings manager and the Chief, Law Enforcement Branch, or other authorized officials, reponsible for the security of the property.