§ 101-20.404 - Appeals.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A disapproval of application or cancellation of issued permits may be appealed to the GSA Regional Officer (as defined in § 101-20.003(m)) within 5 calendar days of the notification of disapproval or cancellation. Notices of appeal must be made in writing.

    (b) On appeal, the applicant or permittee and the GSA buildings manager shall have opportunity to orally state their positions on the issues. Written materials may also be submitted.

    (c) The GSA Regional Officer shall affirm or reverse the GSA building manager's decision, based on the information submitted, within 10 calendar days of the date on which the Regional Officer received notification of the appeal. If the decision is not rendered within 10 days, the application will be considered to be approved or the permit validly issued. The Regional Officer will promptly notify the applicant or permittee and the buildings manager of the decision and the reasons therefor.