§ 101-37.402 - Policy.  

Latest version.
  • Government aircraft shall be used for official purposes only in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including this subpart.

    (a) Use of Government aircraft. Agencies shall operate Government aircraft only for official purposes. Official purposes include the operation of Government aircraft for:

    (1) Mission requirements, and

    (2) Other official travel.

    (b) Use of Government aircraft for official travel or on space available travel is subject to paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section.

    (1) Use of a Government aircraft for official travel other than required use travel or mission requirement travel; i.e., for the conduct of agency business, shall be authorized only when:

    (i) No commercial airline or aircraft service (including charter) is reasonably available to fulfill effectively the agency's requirement; or

    (ii) The actual cost of using a Government aircraft is not more than the cost of commercial airline or aircraft service (including charter). When a flight is made for mission requirements or required use travel (and is certified as such in writing by the agency which is conducting the mission), it is presumed that secondary use of the aircraft for other travel for the conduct of agency business will result in cost savings.

    (2) Use of a Government aircraft on a space available basis is authorized only when:

    (i) The aircraft is already scheduled for use for an official purpose;

    (ii) Space available travel does not require a larger aircraft than needed for the already scheduled official purpose;

    (iii) Space available use results in no, or only minor, additional cost to the Government; and

    (iv) Reimbursement is provided as set forth in § 101-37.403 of this subpart.

    (c) The Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of Central Intelligence may use Government aircraft for travel other than:

    (1) To meet mission requirements, or

    (2) For the conduct of agency business, but only upon reimbursement at full coach fare and with authorization by the President or his designated representative on the grounds that a threat exists which could endanger lives or when continuous 24-hour secure communication is required.