Subpart 101-37.6 - Management, Use, and Disposal of Government Aircraft Parts  

§ 101-37.600 - What does this subpart do?
§ 101-37.601 - What responsibilities does the owning/operating agency have in the management and use of Government aircraft parts?
§ 101-37.602 - Are there special requirements in the management, use, and disposal of military Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Parts (FSCAP)?
§ 101-37.603 - What are the owning/operating agency's responsibilities in reporting excess Government aircraft parts?
§ 101-37.604 - What are the procedures for transferring and donating excess and surplus Government aircraft parts?
§ 101-37.605 - What are the receiving agency's responsibilities in the transfer or donation of excess and surplus Government aircraft parts?
§ 101-37.606 - What are the GSA approving official's responsibilities in transferring and donating excess and surplus Government aircraft parts?
§ 101-37.607 - What are the State Agency's responsibilities in the donation of surplus Government aircraft parts?
§ 101-37.608 - What are the responsibilities of the Federal agency conducting the sale of Government aircraft parts?
§ 101-37.609 - What are the procedures for mutilating unsalvageable aircraft parts?
§ 101-37.610 - Are there special procedures for the exchange/sale of Government aircraft parts?