§ 101-38.203 - Agency identification.  

Latest version.
  • The full name of the department, agency, establishment, corporation, or service owning the vehicle, or a title descriptive of the service in which it is operated (if such a title readily identifies the department, agency, establishment, corporation, or service concerned), shall be displayed conspicuously in letters contrasting to the color of the vehicle. This identification for other than vehicle windows shall be in letters between 1 inch high and 11/2 inches high. Subsidiary words, or titles of subordinate units, if used, shall be in letters between 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch high. The identification should be applied through the use of decals (elastomeric pigmented film type). Each agency is responsible for acquiring its own decals. For examples of suggested possible arrangements, see § 101-38.4801. Law enforcement vehicles shall not be bound by the dimension requirements contained in this section. Identification on vehicle windows shall be of sufficient size to convey the proper legends and agency identification.