§ 101-38.301 - Authorized use.

Latest version.
  • Officers and employees of the Government shall use Government-owned or -leased motor vehicles for official purposes only. “Official purposes” does not include transportation of an officer or employee between his or her residence and place of employment, unless authorized under the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 1344, or other applicable law. A copy of any written approval shall be maintained at the appropriate level within the agency. Each agency should establish procedures to monitor and control the use of its vehicles at all times. Officers and employees entrusted with a motor vehicle are responsible for the proper care, operation, maintenance, and protection of the vehicle. Any officer or employee who uses or authorizes the use of such vehicle for other than official purposes is subject to a suspension of at least 1 month or, up to and including, removal by the head of the agency (31 U.S.C. 1349).