§ 101-40.408-4 - Period of temporary nonuse.  

Latest version.
  • Temporary nonuse shall be for a period commensurate with the seriousness of the cause(s) for temporary nonuse, but not for more than 90 consecutive days, except that the period of temporary nonuse may be extended an additional 30 calendar days for debarment referral when the carrier fails to correct the cause(s) for which temporary nonuse was imposed. The transportation officer, for good cause, may impose temporary nonuse beginning the same day that the notice of proposed temporary nonuse is given when continued use of the carrier's services would place the Government at risk. The transportation officer may consider terminating the temporary nonuse or reducing the period of temporary nonuse, upon the carrier's application, supported by documentation, for reasons deemed appropriate by the transportation officer, such as:

    (a) Newly discovered material evidence;

    (b) Bona fide change in the carrier's ownership or management; or

    (c) Elimination of the cause(s) for which temporary nonuse was imposed.