§ 101-41.202-1 - SF 1169, U.S. Government Transportation Request.  

Latest version.
  • U.S. Government transportation request (GTR) forms are available in books of 10 sets, each set consisting of one original (SF 1169) and one memorandum copy (SF 1169-A) of punched-card stock; or in individual snapout assemblies consisting of one original, one memorandum card copy, and two paper copies (SF 1169-B and SF 1169-C). The GTR's are serially numbered and punched with that number at the time of manufacture, and no other numbering of the forms, including additions or changes to the prefixes or additions of suffixes, is permitted.

    (a) The original GTR (blue), given to the traveler for presentation to the ticket agent of the issuing carrier, is evidence of service or accommodations required and shall, except as hereinafter provided, be used as a supporting document with the carrier's bill for the transportation charges.

    (b) The memorandum card copy (buff) and the duplicate and triplicate paper copies (white) are distributed as directed by the regulations of each agency.

    (c) SF 1169 assemblies are numbered sequentially in seven digits with an alphabetical prefix assigned to differentiate between civilian and military agencies as follows:

    (1) Civilian agencies, books of 10. The prefix starts at A and advances through the alphabet; e.g., A-0,000,001 through A-9,999,999, then B-0,000,001 through B-9,999,999, etc.

    (2) Civilian agencies, individual snapout assemblies. The prefix starts with the letter L and changes in reverse order to K, then J, etc.

    (3) Military agencies, individual snapout assemblies. The prefix starts with the letter M and advances to N and forward through the remainder of the alphabet.