§ 101-41.202-2 - SF 1170, Redemption of Unused Tickets.  

Latest version.
  • (a) SF 1170 and SF 1170-EDP (computer-generated) consist of an original and three copies which are carbon-interleaved for simultaneous preparation.

    (b) The SF 1170 is pre-printed (three to the page) on 83/8- by 93/4-inch, four part carbon-interleaved, marginally punched paper. There are perforations between each form.

    (c) SF 1170-EDP (computer-generated) must be printed on standard 81/2- by 11-inch, four part carbon-interleaved, marginally punched paper. SF 1170-EDP must be positioned so that the name and address of the carrier begin at line 13, column 9, and must be no longer than 31 characters and 5 lines. The name and address of the agency to which the refund is to be made must begin at line 13, column 48, and must be no longer than 31 characters and 5 lines. Fold marks must be located at line 22 and line 45. The SF 1170-EDP must conform to the exact wording as the approved Standard form and must contain the form number and edition date.