§ 101-41.202-5 - Procurement of standard forms by agencies and carriers.  

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  • (a) Agencies may obtain supplies of SF 1169 and SF 1170 assemblies from GSA by submitting a requisition in FEDSTRIP format to GSA's Federal Supply Service, Furniture Commodity Center (FCNI), Washington, DC 20406. With respect to the GTR assemblies, FCNI maintains a record of the serial numbers imprinted on the forms and the names and mailing addresses of the receiving agencies. Where feasible, agencies should request that the name and address of the office to be billed for payment of charges be preprinted on each SF 1169 and that the name and address of the office to receive the refund be preprinted on each SF 1170. No other overprinting on SF 1169, SF 1170, or SF 1170-EDP (computer-generated) is permitted unless specifically approved in writing by the Director, Office of Transportation Audits (FW), GSA.

    (b) Carriers may purchase SF 1113 and SF 1113-A from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, or have them printed commercially. When printing these forms commercially, carriers shall ensure that the forms conform to the exact size, wording, and arrangement of the approved standard forms and, while no minimum grade of paper is set, carriers shall provide a reasonable grade of paperstock. Carriers may have SF 1113 and SF 1113-A printed also in continuous-feed format for machine billing by adding pin-feed strips on the margins. The tear-off slip may be moved from the bottom to the right edge of SF 1113, to aid in machine use of the form, but it must be perforated on all edges to measure 81/2 by 33/16 inches when detached from the body of the SF 1113 and from the pin-feed strips. The forms must conform in all other respects to the exact size, wording, color, and arrangement of the approved standard forms. Any deviations must be approved in writing by the Director, Office of Transportation Audits (BW), GSA.

    (31 U.S.C. 952, 31 U.S.C. 3726; 40 U.S.C. 486(c))