§ 101-41.206 - Special procedures for automatic payment of carrier charges for passenger transportation services.  

Latest version.
  • (a) At the end of the payment period for which a blanket GTR has been issued according to § 101-41.205, the original GTR, the auditor's and agent's coupons of each ticket issued but not voided during the period, all spoiled or completely unused tickets issued during the period, and the original and two copies of the ticket listing shall be forwarded to the responsible agency accounting activity for preparation of the appropriate disbursing documents and issuance of the check to the contractor-carrier for air transportation charges or to Amtrak for rail transportation charges. The payment check shall bear the name and location of the agency authorizing payment, the applicable GTR number, and the letters “APP” (for automatic payment procedures). For air service, the auditor's coupons and the original of the ticket listing for the period shall be sent to the contractor-carrier to facilitate distribution of the payment to the ticketing carriers. For Amtrak service, the agent's coupons and the original of the ticket listing shall be sent to Amtrak.

    (b) Agencies using the disbursing facilities of the Department of the Treasury shall issue Standard Form 1166 OCR, Voucher and Schedule of Payments (voucher-schedule), to the Department of the Treasury for issuance of the check. The payee block of the voucher-schedule shall include the above-cited identifying information that is to appear on the payment check. The stub attached to the SF 1166 OCR is not used in this instance and shall be destroyed.

    (c) The accounting activity shall send to the General Services Administration (FWAA/C), Washington, DC 20405:

    (1) The original of the blanket GTR (SF 1169);

    (2) A copy of the ticket listing; and

    (3) The agent's coupon of each ticket paid on the listing for air service, or the auditor's coupon of each ticket paid on a listing for Amtrak service.

    (d) The air contractor-carrier or Amtrak shall be responsible for making settlement of all overcharges found upon GSA's subsequent audit of the documents covering their respective transportation services and for stating valid claims for additional charges as prescribed in subpart 101-41.6.

    (31 U.S.C. 952, 31 U.S.C. 3726; 40 U.S.C. 486(c))