§ 101-41.210-2 - Unused or unreturned tickets.  

Latest version.
  • Unused or unreturned tickets are those which have not been used for passenger service, exchanged, or returned to a carrier. Agencies shall demand the refund value of these tickets from carriers through the use of an SF 1170, Redemption of Unused Tickets. A separate SF 1170 must be prepard for each GTR, though more than one ticket or adjustment transaction may be related to that GTR. Each ticket must be listed on the SF 1170. Unused or unreturned tickets purchased under a GTS account must be returned to the appropriate Federal agency office, the Travel Management Center (TMC), or Scheduled Airline Traffic Office (SATO) that furnished the airline ticket. The TMC or SATO must issue a receipt to the agency showing a credit is due the agency. Unused or unreturned tickets purchased with a Government employee Diners Club charge card must be returned by the traveler to the TMC, SATO, or air carrier that issued the original ticket. The TMC, SATO, or air carrier must issue a receipt to the traveler showing a credit is due the employee. For procedures covering unused transportation services billed by foreign-flag carriers, see § 101-41.210-6.