§ 101-41.210-6 - Refund procedures covering unused transportation services billed by foreign-flag carriers.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Standard Form 1170 and related procedures shall not be used or considered applicable when unused passenger transportation services billed by foreign-flag carriers are involved, except for:

    (1) Canadian or Mexican carriers; or

    (2) Foreign-flag carriers maintaining billing offices in the United States.

    (b) Agencies shall institute procedures to effect recoveries for such unused services by deduction or setoff from the foreign-flag carriers’ unpaid bills. Both agencies and travelers in foreign areas shall be kept informed of local regulations and requirements to insure that the interests of the United States will be protected.

    (c) Adjustments for unfurnished transportation services not reported on SF 1170 but made by deduction or set-off shall be noted on the deduction voucher with a full description of each unused ticket or portion thereof. Reference shall also be made to the transportation request number and the disbursing office (D.O.) voucher number, the D.O. symbol number and, the date of payment of the voucher on which the GTR was paid if other than the deduction voucher. The unused ticket or portion thereof shall be forwarded by the agency to the carrier and a copy of the transmittal letter shall be attached to the deduction voucher involved.