§ 101-41.213 - Carrier entries on GTR's.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The boxed section on the face of the GTR captioned “For Carrier Use Only” is reserved for the recording of proper data by the ticket agent and auditor of the billing carrier.

    (1) In the “Form and Ticket NO.” space, the ticket agent shall enter the ticket number and type of ticket furnished in exchange for the GTR.

    (2) In the “Agent's Value” space, the ticket agent shall enter the cost of the transportation services furnished. Any accommodation charge or other supplementary service such as extra fare or excess baggage shall be listed separately and not included in the amount of the regular transportation charge.

    (3) In the “Auditor's Value” space, the carrier audit officer shall enter the charges as specified in paragraph (a)(2) of § 101-41.213 for the “Agent's Value.”

    (b) On the reverse side of the GTR, the carrier's ticket agent shall show the date travel commenced so that tariff applicability may be determined.