§ 101-41.302-2 - Description and distribution of Government bills of lading.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The U.S. Government bill of lading (GBL) consists of six basic forms and is available in sets of seven or nine parts, depending on the number of memorandum copies needed. The sets are carbon-interleaved for simultaneous preparation. The GBL set is arranged in the following order.

    (1) SF 1103 (original), which refers to subpart 101-41.3 for the terms and conditions of the contract of transportation and contains both the description of the articles comprising the shipment and the certificate of delivery is given to the carrier upon tender of shipment for use as supporting documentation with the voucher covering the transportation charges involved.

    (2) SF 1104 (shipping order) is retained by the carrier's agent at the shipping point.

    (3) SF 1103-A (memorandum copy) for use by the shipper for fiscal or administrative purposes.

    (4) SF 1105 (freight waybill (original)) accompanies the shipment or is otherwise sent to destination in compliance with origin carrier's instructions. It also serves as the substitute billing document when the original GBL is lost.

    (5) SF 1106 (freight waybill (carrier's copy)) is for disposition by the carrier.

    (6) SF 1103-A (memorandum copy), of which there are two or four copies, is for use by the shipper for fiscal and administrative purposes.

    (7) SF 1103-B (memorandum copy-consignee) is sent to the consignee immediately after surrender of the original to the initial carrier.

    (b) [Reserved]

    (c) The U.S. Government Bill of Lading-Privately Owned Personal Property (POPPGBL) is a seven-part form available in either snap-out or computer pin-feed formats. The sets are carbon interleaved for simultaneous preparation. The POPPGBL is arranged in the following order:

    (1) SF 1203 (original) is given to the carrier upon tender of the shipment for use as supporting documentation and is to be submitted with the voucher covering the transportation charges involved.

    (2) SF 1204 (shipping order) is retained by the carrier's agent at the shipping point.

    (3) SF 1203-A (memorandum copy), one of three copies, for use by the shipper for fiscal or administrative purposes. The remaining two memorandum copies are behind the SF 1203-B.

    (4) SF 1205 (freight waybill (original)) is given to the origin carrier and is either carried to destination or is otherwise sent to destination in compliance with origin carrier's instructions. It also serves as the substitute billing document when the original POPPGBL is lost or destroyed.

    (5) SF 1203-B (memorandum copy-consignee) is given to the consignee (property owner) at time of pickup of the shipment.

    (6) SF 1203-A (memorandum copy) same as (3).

    (7) SF 1203-A (memorandum copy) same as (3).

    (d) The GBL continuation sheets (SF 1109 through 1112) are also available in seven- or nine-part sets and are arranged in order corresponding to the GBL sets. The continuation sheets are for use with the regular GBL and the personal property GBL.