§ 101-41.302-3 - Terms and conditions governing acceptance and use of GBL's.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In no case shall prepayment of charges be demanded by the carrier nor collection be made from the consignee. The GBL, properly certified and attached to an SF 1113, Public Voucher for Transportation Charges, shall be presented to the paying office indicated in the “Bill Charges To” section on the face of the GBL for payment to:

    (1) The last carrier or forwarder in privity with the contract of carriage as evidenced by the covering GBL;

    (2) A participating carrier or forwarder in privity with the contract of carriage as evidenced by the covering GBL when the bill is submitted with a waiver accomplished by the last carrier (as described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section) in favor of the billing carrier;

    (3) A carrier (as described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section) or its properly designated warehouse agent billing in the name of the carrier as authorized in § 101-41.309-2 dealing with certification of shipments in storage; or

    (4) An agent of the carrier or forwarder (as described in paragraph (a) (1) or (2) of this section): Provided, The bill is submitted in the name of the principal. The agent's mailing address may be shown on those bills, and the checks, drawn in the name of the principal, may be mailed to the agent.

    (b) The GBL is subject to the same rules and conditions as govern shipments made on the usual commercial forms unless otherwise specifically provided or stated herein.

    (c) The shipment made on the GBL shall take a rate no higher than that chargeable had the shipment been made on the uniform straight bill of lading, uniform express receipt, or any other form provided for commercial shipments.

    (d) No charge shall be made by any carrier for the execution and presentation of a GBL in manner and form as provided in this subpart 101-41.3.

    (e) The shipment is made at the restricted or limited valuation specified in the tariff or classification or established under section 10721 of the Revised Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 10721), formerly section 22 of the Interstate Commerce Act, or to another equivalent contract, arrangement, or exemption from regulation at or under which the lowest rate is available, unless otherwise indicated on the face of the GBL.

    (f) Receipt for the shipment is subject to the consignee's annotation of loss, damage, or shrinkage on the delivering carrier's documents and the consignee's copy of the same documents. When loss or damage is not discovered until after delivery of shipment and receipt therefor, the consignee shall promptly notify, preferably by telephone, the nearest office of the last delivering carrier and extend to the carrier the privilege of examining the shipment.

    (g) In case of loss, damage, or shrinkage in transit, the rules and conditions governing commercial shipments, as they relate to the period within which notice thereof shall be given the carrier or to the period within which claim therefor shall be made or suit instituted, shall not apply. Deletion of this item will be considered valid only with the written concurrence of the Government official responsible for making the shipment.

    (h) Carrier's rights to shipping charges are not affected by facts set out in the issuing office section of the GBL.

    (i) The nondiscrimination clauses contained in section 202 of Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Order 11375, relative to equal employment opprotunity for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and the implementating rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor are incorporated be reference in the GBL.