§ 101-41.302-4 - General instructions for the preparation of GBL's and common problem areas.  

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  • (a) Availability of guide. Instructions for the preparation of GBL's and related forms are furnished in the GSA guide “How to Prepare and Process U.S. Government Bills of Lading” (national stock number 7610-00-682-6740). Agencies may obtain copies of the guide by submitting a requisition in FEDSTRIP/MILSTRIP format to the GSA regional office providing support to the requesting activity.

    (b) Use of U.S.-flag carriers. The use of U.S.-flag vessels by officers and employees of the United States for the transportation of their personal effects and the use of U.S.-flag certificated air carriers for any Government-financed movement of freight by air is required by statute (46 U.S.C. 1241 and 49 U.S.C. 1517) when such vessels and air carriers are available. Compliance with these statutes is required whether the United States pays the transportation charges to the carrier direct or through reimbursement of an individual or other entity. Uniform standards and procedures prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States for guidance of all departments, agencies, officers, and employees of the United States; carriers; and others concerned, in conforming to these statutes are found in 4 CFR 52.2 and in various Comptroller General decisions.

    (c) Common problem areas.(1) The “For Use of Billing Carrier Only” section is reserved for recording certain data by the accounting officer of the billing carrier and must not be covered by marks or writing by others handling the GBL. This boxed section on the memorandum copies of the GBL form is available to the issuing officer for showing estimated transportation charges and such accounting classifications as may be required.

    (2) The issuing office shall complete the “For Use of Issuing Office” section of the GBL, including any GBL to be used by a contractor as shipper. Failure of the issuing office to show the date and number of the contract, purchase order, or other authority for the shipment and failure to show the f.o.b. point named therein may result in a carrier's refusal to accept the shipment from the contractor-shipper. Accountability for GBL's used by a contractor-shipper remains with the issuing office. Thus the name and title of the issuing officer and the name and address of the issuing office, rather than those of the contractor-shipper, must appear on the GBL.

    (3) Erasures, interlineations, or alterations in GBL's must be authenticated and explained by the person who made them.

    (4) Subpart 101-40.7 provides a uniform system and forms for agency documentation of discrepancies or deficiencies incurred in shipments of materials to enable initiation and processing of claims against carriers for loss and damage, shortages, and the disposition of overages.