§ 101-41.308-1 - Agency control.  

Latest version.
  • Agencies shall maintain accountability records and physical control of GBL stock. Employees responsible for the issuance and use of GBL forms shall be held accountable for their disposition. GLB forms generally are serially numbered at the time of printing; no other numbering of the forms, including additions or changes to the prefixes or additions of suffixes, is permitted.

    (a) Regular GBL assemblies are sequentially numbered with seven digits and an alphabetical prefix; e.g., A-0,000,001 through A-9,999,999, progressing to B, then C, etc.

    (b) The personal property GBL assemblies are sequentially numbered with six digits and a two-letter prefix, the second of which is always P; e.g., AP-000,001 through AP-999,999, then BP, CP, etc.