§ 101-41.502 - Examination of payments and initiation of collection action and assertion of claims.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Examination of payments. (1) Carrier bills and supporting documents that represent payments made by agency disbursing officers for freight and passenger transportation services shall be forwarded to the General Services Administration (BWAA/C), Washington, DC 20405, for audit. For the purpose of determining whether a claim exists, GSA will consider:

    (i) The document ordering the services furnished to determine the contractual basis upon which the rights of the Government and the carrier are based;

    (ii) The pertinent tariffs, special or reduced rate quotations, contracts, or agreements, to determine the proper charge for the services rendered;

    (iii) Decisions of the courts, regulatory bodies, and the Comptroller General affecting the rates, fares, and charges; and

    (iv) Information furnished by transportation officers, travelers, or agencies.

    (2) The General Services Administration is obligated to honor a carrier bill for charges properly due. However, GSA has a concurrent responsibility to question or disapprove that part of a payment to a carrier which is found to be illegal or mathematically incorrect or which is not accompanied by documented support establishing an obligation of the United States.

    (b) Notice of overcharge. (1) A GSA notice of overcharge is issued when it is determined that a carrier has been paid a sum in excess of that proper for the services rendered. This notice, which states a debt owned to the United States, sets forth: the amount paid; the basis for the proper charge for each Government bill of lading or Government transportation request; and cites applicable tariff references and other data relied upon to support the statement of difference. A separate notice of overcharge is stated for each Government bill of lading or Government transportation request and mailed to the billing carrier.

    (2) If the GBL or the GTR contains a contract provision relating to the assessment of interest, then interest shall be charged under the contract terms thereof. If neither contains such a provision, then interest shall be assessed under the Debt Collection Act (31 U.S.C. 3717) and the Federal Claims Collection Standards, 4 CFR parts 101-105, and regulations published in 41 CFR parts 105-55.

    (c) Notice of indebtedness. A GSA notice of indebtedness is issued when it is determined that an ordinary debt is due the United States. This notice sets forth the basis for the debt, the debtor's rights, interest, penalty and other consequences of nonpayment. The debt is due immediately. Interest accrues 30 calendar days after the mailing of the notice of indebtedness and is subject to interest charges, penalties and administrative costs as prescribed by 31 U.S.C. 3717.