§ 101-41.503 - Refunds and/or protests to claims.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Carriers are requested to promptly refund amounts due the United States. Checks shall be made payable to the “General Services Administration” and mailed to the General Services Administration (BWCA), Washington, DC 20405.

    (b) A carrier that disagrees with a claim may protest by letter to the General Services Administration (BWCA), Washington, DC 20405. Since each claim is processed as a separate account receivable, the carrier shall use a separate letter for each claim being protested. The carrier shall present the basis for its protest and submit either the original or a legible copy of all documents substantiating its position. If the carrier believes that an amount less than that claimed is due, it should submit a check for the amount due, together with a full explanation of the reasons for believing the balance is not due. With reference to an ordinary debt, which is the subject of a notice of indebtedness, the carrier may: Inspect and copy the Government's records related to the claim; seek review by GSA of the claim decision; and/or enter into a written agreement for the payment of the claim. GSA will acknowledge receipt of each letter containing a substantive protest and upon completion of consideration will notify the carrier whether the claim has been sustained, amended, or canceled. Repetitious letters of protest will not serve to preclude the collection of claims found due.