Subpart 101-41.49 - Illustrations of Forms

§ 101-41.4901-1170-1 - Standard Form 1170-EDP (Electronic Data Processing), Redemption of Unused Tickets (computer-generated).
§ 101-41.4902-7931-1 - GSA Form 7931, Certificate of Settlement (Claimant's Notice).
§ 101-41.4902-7931-2 - GSA Form 7931, Certificate of Settlement (Claimant's Notice in Advance of Payment).
§ 101-41.4901-1103 - Standard Form 1103, U.S. Government Bill of Lading (Original).
§ 101-41.4901-1104 - Standard Form 1104, U.S. Government Bill of Lading (Shipping Order).
§ 101-41.4901-1105 - Standard Form 1105, U.S. Government Freight Waybill (Original).
§ 101-41.4901-1106 - Standard Form 1106, U.S. Government Freight Waybill (Carrier's Copy).
§ 101-41.4901-1109 - Standard Form 1109, U.S. Government Bill of Lading Continuation Sheet (Original).
§ 101-41.4901-1110 - Standard Form 1110, U.S. Government Bill of Lading Continuation Sheet (Shipping Order).
§ 101-41.4901-1111 - Standard Form 1111, U.S. Government Freight Waybill Continuation Sheet (Original).
§ 101-41.4901-1112 - Standard Form 1112, U.S. Government Freight Waybill Continuation Sheet (Carrier's Copy).
§ 101-41.4901-1113 - Standard Form 1113, Public Voucher for Transportation Charges (Original).
§ 101-41.4901-1169 - Standard Form 1169, U.S. Government Transportation Request (Original).
§ 101-41.4901-1170 - Standard Form 1170, Redemption of Unused Tickets.
§ 101-41.4901-1186 - Standard Form 1186, Transmittal for Transportation Schedules and Related Basic Documents.
§ 101-41.4901-1200 - Standard Form 1200, Government Bill of Lading Correction Notice.
§ 101-41.4901-1203 - Standard Form 1203, U.S. Government Bill of Lading—Privately Owned Personal Property (Original).
§ 101-41.4901-1204 - Standard Form 1204, U.S. Government Bill of Lading—Privately Owned Personal Property (Shipping Order).
§ 101-41.4901-1205 - Standard Form 1205, U.S. Government Freight Waybill—Privately Owned Personal Property (Original).
§ 101-41.4900 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-41.4901 - Standard forms.
§ 101-41.4902 - GSA forms.
§ 101-41.4902-7931 - GSA Form 7931, Certificate of Settlement (Original).
§ 101-41.4902-7932 - GSA Form 7932, Settlement Certificate.
§ 101-41.4902-7933 - GSA Form 7933, Certificate of Settlement Transmittal.
§ 101-41.4901-1103-A - Standard Form 1103-A, U.S. Government Bill of Lading (Memorandum Copy).
§ 101-41.4901-1113-A - Standard Form 1113-A, Public Voucher for Transportation Charges (Memorandum Copy).
§ 101-41.4901-1203-A - Standard Form 1203-A, U.S. Government Bill of Lading—Privately Owned Personal Property (Memorandum Copy).
§ 101-41.4901-1103-B - Standard Form 1103-B, U.S. Government Bill of Lading (Memorandum Copy—Consignee).
§ 101-41.4901-1203-B - Standard Form 1203-B, U.S. Government Bill of Lading—Privately Owned Personal Property (Memorandum Copy—Consignee).
§ 101-41.4901-1109-A - Standard Form 1109-A, U.S. Government Bill of Lading Continuation Sheet (Memorandum Copy).
§ 101-41.4901-1169-A - Standard Form 1169-A, U.S. Government Transportation Request (Memorandum Copy).
§ 101-41.4901-1109-B - Standard Form 1109-B, U.S. Government Bill of Lading Continuation Sheet (Memorandum Copy—Consignee).