§ 101-44.108-2 - Donation of aircraft.  

Latest version.
  • This section provides procedures and conditions for the donation of aircraft which are not classified for reasons of national security and after removal of lethal characteristics. The requirements of this paragraph apply to the donation of any fixed- or rotary-wing aircraft with a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, but do not apply to the donation of individual aircraft components, accessories, parts, or appurtenances not attached to or an integral part of an aircraft. Combat-type aircraft shall not be donated for flight use.

    (a) Plan of utilization. To assist GSA in the allocation and transfer of available surplus aircraft, each SF 123 submitted to GSA for donation of an aircraft covered by this section shall include a letter of intent, signed and dated by the authorized representative of the proposed donee, setting forth a detailed plan of utilization for the property. The letter of intent shall provide the following information:

    (1) A description of the aircraft requested, including the type, model or size, and the serial number, if it is known;

    (2) A detailed description of the donee's program and the number and types of aircraft currently owned by the donee;

    (3) Whether the aircraft is to be used for flight purposes or nonflight purposes (including ground instruction or simulation use), and details of the planned utilization of the aircraft including but not limited to how the aircraft will be used, its purpose, how often and for how long. If for flight purposes, specify source of pilot(s) and where aircraft will be housed. When the aircraft is requested for cannibalization (recovery of parts and components), the letter of intent should provide details of the cannibalization process (time to complete the cannibalization process, how recovered parts are to be used, method of accounting for usable parts, etc.); and

    (4) Any supplemental information (such as geographical area and population served, number of students enrolled in educational programs, etc.) supporting the donee's need for the aircraft.

    (b) Donation of aircraft to public agencies and eligible nonprofit tax-exempt activities. (1) For the donation of an aircraft to a donee eligible in accordance with the provisions of subpart 101-44.2, the following documentation shall be submitted to GSA along with the SF 123 and the donee's letter of intent:

    (i) A letter, signed and dated by the State agency director, confirming and certifying the applicant's eligibility and containing the State agency's evaluation of the applicant's ability to use the aircraft for the purpose stated in its letter of intent and any other supplemental information concerning the needs of the donee which supports making the allocation;

    (ii) A State agency distribution document, signed and dated by the authorized representative of the donee, and containing the terms, conditions, and restrictions prescribed by GSA; and

    (iii) A conditional transfer document, signed by both the donee and the State agency, and containing the special terms, conditions, and restrictions prescribed by GSA. The conditional transfer document may include additional State agency imposed terms, conditions, and restrictions on the use of the aircraft which are consistent with any Federal requirements or the State plan of operation. However, none of the Federal terms, conditions, and restrictions outlined in the executed conditional transfer document, including the requirement for an additional 48-month period of approved use, shall be modified, amended, waived, released, or abrogated by the State agency without the prior written approval of GSA.

    (2) Donation of aircraft to public agencies and eligible nonprofit tax-exempt activities shall be subject to the following terms, conditions, and restrictions:

    (i) The donee shall apply to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for registration of an aircraft intended for flight use within 30 calendar days of receipt of the aircraft. The donee's application for registration shall include a fully executed copy of the conditional transfer document and a copy of its letter of intent. If the aircraft is to be flown as a civil aircraft, the donee must obtain an FAA Standard Airworthiness Certificate within 12 months of receipt of the aircraft. The donee shall provide the State agency and GSA with a copy of the FAA registration and the Standard Airworthiness Certificate.

    (ii) The aircraft shall be used solely in accordance with the executed conditional transfer document and the plan of utilization set forth in the donee's letter of intent, unless the donee has amended the letter and it has been approved in writing by the State agency and GSA and a copy of the amendment recorded with FAA.

    (iii) Combat-type aircraft, as designated by DOD, shall not be donated for flight purposes. The restrictions on combat-type aircraft shall be in perpetuity and shall not be released by the State agency without the prior written approval of the GSA Central Office.

    (iv) In the event any of the terms, conditions, and restrictions imposed by the conditional transfer document are breached, title and right to the possession of the aircraft shall, at the option of GSA, revert to the United States of America. The donee, at the option of GSA, shall be liable to the United States of America for the proceeds from any unauthorized disposal or for the fair market value or fair rental value of the aircraft at the time of any unauthorized transaction or use, as determined by GSA.

    (v) If, during the period of restriction, the aircraft is no longer suitable, usable, or further needed by the donee for the purpose for which it was acquired, the donee shall promptly notify the State agency and request disposal instructions. Disposal instructions shall not be issued by the State agency except with the prior written concurrence of GSA.

    (vi) In the case of any noncombat aircraft donated for nonflight use, and for all combat-type aircraft (unless certified by the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office that the historical records and data plate have already been removed by the disposal agency), the State agency shall acquire from the donee, within 30 calendar days of the donee's receipt of the aircraft, the aircraft historical records (except the records of the major components/life limited parts; e.g., engines, transmissions, rotor blades, etc., necessary to substantiate their reuse) and the manufacturer's aircraft data plate and turn them over to the GSA allocating office. GSA will forward the records and data plates to the Chief, Aircraft Manufacturing Division, Office of Airworthiness, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591.

    (c) Donation of aircraft to service educational activities. (1) Donation of a surplus Department of Defense (DOD) aircraft to a donee eligible in accordance with the provisions of subpart 101-44.4 shall be made in accordance with the terms of the individual donation agreement executed by DOD and the service educational activity. The SF 123, with the donee's letter of intent and any additional required documentation specified, shall be submitted for approval to the appropriate GSA regional office.

    (2) Surplus DOD aircraft which have been demilitarized may be approved for donation by GSA to service educational activities for nonflight use, for static display, or for ground instruction and simulation purposes.

    (3) Surplus DOD noncombat and commercial-type aircraft may be approved for donation by GSA at the request of DOD for flight purposes by service educational activities subject to the following use conditions and agreements which DOD shall require of the donee:

    (i) The aircraft shall be used solely in connection with the plan of utilization set forth in the donee's letter of intent unless DOD authorizes a change in writing to the donee's plan of utilization.

    (ii) The donee shall apply to FAA for registration (and shall provide FAA with a copy of its letter of intent) within 30 calendar days of receipt of the aircraft and shall forward a copy of the registration to DOD and GSA.

    (iii) The aircraft must be certified as airworthy prior to being put into flight use. The donee shall furnish a copy of the FAA Standard Airworthiness Certificate to DOD and GSA.

    (d) Donation of aircraft for public airport purposes. (1) When a surplus aircraft is donated to a donee eligible in accordance with the provisions of subpart 101-44.5, the SF 123 and the donee's letter of intent shall be processed by and through FAA and submitted to GSA for approval.

    (2) Surplus cannibalized or demilitarized aircraft may be approved for donation by GSA to a public airport for use in firefighting and rescue training.

    (3) Flyable aircraft will not be approved for donation for public airport purposes.

    (e) Donation of condemned or obsolete combat aircraft for historical purposes. Requests for donation of aircraft for historical purposes (museums, static display, etc.) from veterans’ organizations, soldiers’ monument associations, State museums, incorporated nonprofit educational museums, municipal corporations (cities, boroughs or incorporated towns), and Sons of Veterans Reserve shall be referred to DOD for processing in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2572 (see § 101-44.901).