§ 101-44.206 - Cooperative agreements.  

Latest version.
  • This section provides policies and procedures for the establishment of cooperative agreements between GSA (or the head of any Federal agency designated by the Administrator of General Services) and a State agency for the use of property, facilities, personnel, and services, with or without payment or reimbursement and under the provisions of a cooperative agreement, for the use by the State agency of any surplus personal property in its possession subject to conditions imposed by the Administrator.

    (a) Authority. Section 203(n) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, provides that the Administrator (or the head of any Federal agency designated by him), for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of section 203(j) of the act, is authorized to enter into cooperative agreements with State surplus property distribution agencies designated in conformity with that section.

    (b) Use of property, facilities, personnel, and services. (1) GSA may enter into a cooperative agreement with a State agency to furnish to the State agency available property, facilities, personnel, or services of GSA that are found by GSA and the State agency to be necessary and useful in assisting the State agency to distribute and use surplus donable personel property and otherwise to carry out the purposes of the act. Assistance may include furnishing Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) service on a reimbursable basis. It may also include furnishing available office space and related support such as office furniture and typewriters in GSA regional offices, property centers, or field offices to State agency screeners or administrative clerical employees to assist them in screening and processing donable property for donation. Assistance will be provided by GSA, to the extent possible, without reimbursement; however, any extraordinary costs incurred by GSA in providing assistance shall be on a reimbursable basis.

    (2) GSA may enter into a cooperative agreement with a State agency for the purpose of the State agency furnishing available property, facilities, personnel, or services that are found by GSA and the State agency to be necessary and useful in assisting GSA to screen, transfer, and allocate surplus donable personal property and otherwise to carry out the purposes of the act. The provision of property, facilities, personnel, or services may be with or without payment or reimbursement to the State agency.

    (3) When a Federal agency designated by GSA wishes to enter into a cooperative agreement with a State agency (or a State agency with a Federal agency) for the provision of property, facilities, personnel, or services to carry into effect the donation provisions of the act, and the Federal agency and the State agency are mutually agreeable to an arrangement, GSA may concur in the establishment of a cooperative agreement and assist in its development. Payment or reimbursement shall be a matter for resolution between the Federal agency and the State agency.

    (c) Use of surplus property by a State agency. A State agency may enter into a cooperative agreement with GSA providing for the retention by the State agency of items of surplus personal property transferred to it for distribution that are needed for the State agency in performing its donation functions. The State agency shall submit a listing of needed property from time to time to the appropriate GSA regional office. GSA will review the list to ensure that it is of the type and quantity of property which is reasonably needed and useful to the State agency in performing its function. Unless GSA disapproves the retention of the property within 30 days of receipt of the listing, title to the property shall vest in the State agency. Separate records shall be maintained by the State agency for the property.

    (d) Interstate cooperative distribution agreements. GSA may concur in a cooperative agreement between two States which have contiguous boundaries whereby one State agency agrees to disbribute donable surplus property to certain specified donees in the adjoining State. Agreements may be considered when the donees, because of their geographic proximity to the property distribution centers of the adjoining State, could be more efficiently and economically serviced than by their own State surplus property facilities. The payment or reimbursement of service charges by the donee shall be a matter for the mutual agreement between the State agencies. By entering into an interstate cooperative distribution agreement, the State agreeing to service donees in an adjoining State shall agree, as agent for the adjoining State agency, to:

    (1) Make certifications and agreements required by § 101-44.204; and

    (2) Require the donee to execute the distribution of documents of the State agency in which the donee is located. Copies of distribution documents shall be forwarded to the adjoining State agency.

    (e) Termination of agreements. Cooperative agreements entered into between GSA and a State agency may be terminated by either party upon 60 days written notice to the other party. Termination of an agreement between a Federal agency designated by GSA and a State agency, and interstate cooperative distribution agreements, shall be as mutually agreed to by the parties.