§ 101-44.4901-123-1 - Instructions for preparing and processing Standard Form 123.  

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  • (a) Preparing Standard Form 123—(1) General—(i) The Standard Form 123 must include all information specified on the form. Particular care should be taken to ensure that the transfer order indicates the surplus release date (SRD), sometimes referred to as the automatic release date (ARD); identifies property as reportable or nonreportable; shows applicable GSA, Department of Defense (DOD), and holding activity control or report numbers; indicates the holding agency document or voucher number for nonreportable property; and contains authorized signatures in ink on the original (copies of transfer orders may have stamped signatures). All other entries must be typed or printed. All city and State addresses shown on the form should include the ZIP code. Transfer orders received without sufficient information will be returned to the applicant or held in suspense until the missing information is obtained from the appropriate source. SF 123-A (Continuation sheet) shall be used for listing any additional property.

    (ii) Reportable property, nonreportable property and property located at separate locations should not be requested on the same SF 123.

    (iii) Recognized abbreviations for Federal agencies or donee organizations may be used in completing SF 123; e.g., GSA (General Services Administration); FAA (Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation); SA (State agency); BSA (Boy Scouts of America); and DRMS (Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service).

    (2) Adjustments and disapprovals. Any adjustment or partial disapproval made for the property listed in block 12 shall be initialed by the representative and/or officer signing in block 13b, 13d, 14b, or 14d. When a transfer order is disapproved in its entirety, the representative or officer who disapproves the action will return the SF 123 to the applicant with an explanation of the disapproval. When a line item is disapproved, it will be crossed out, marked “disapproved,” and initialed by the representative or officer making the deletion.

    (3) Entries—(i) Order number(s) (block 1). Enter the State serial number and/or transfer order and control numbers assigned by DOD, FAA, or the donees. If the continuation sheet (SF 123-A) is used, it must contain the same transfer order number(s).

    (ii) Type of Order (block 2). Insert “X” in the appropriate square to identify the type of order.

    (iii) Surplus Release Date (block 3). Enter the surplus release date, sometimes called the automatic release date, as follows:

    (A) DOD Property Reported to DRMS Only. The correct date may be obtained from DRMS or the holding activity.

    (B) DOD Property Reported to GSA Through DRMS. The correct date may be obtained from DRMS, GSA, or the holding activity.

    (C) Executive Agency Property Reported Directly to GSA. The correct date may be obtained from GSA or the holding agency.

    (D) Property Not Reported to DRMS or GSA. The surplus release date is assigned by the holding agency (property disposal officer) and must be obtained therefrom. When nonreported property items with several surplus release dates are listed, each date should follow the respective line item and block 3 will not be completed.

    (iv) Set-Aside Date (block 4). Enter the date on which nonreported property was set aside at the holding agency by an authorized donee representative, pursuant to § 101-44.109. The insertion of a set-aside date will indicate to the GSA office that the property is available as surplus and that the holding agency has agreed to set the property aside pending receipt of donation approval.

    (v) Type of Property (block 5). Insert an “X” in the appropriate square to identify the property as reportable or nonreportable to GSA. An “X” shall not be inserted to identify the property as nonreportable when any property listed is either reportable to GSA or had previously been reported on SF 120, Report of Excess Personal Property, to GSA in accordance with § 101-43.311. Reportable property never loses its identity.

    (vi) Total Acquisition Cost (block 6). Enter the sum of all the total costs shown under block 12(h) and on continuation sheets when appropriate.

    (vii) General Services Administration (block 7). Add the street address, city, State, and ZIP code of the appropriate GSA office.

    (viii) Location of Property (block 8). Insert the actual location of the property, including if available the warehouse or building number, street address, city, State, and ZIP code or other specific location of the property listed in block 12.

    (ix) Holding Agency (block 9). Enter the complete name and address of the holding agency, including ZIP code; i.e., the executive agency which has accountability and administrative control over the property. It may or may not be the same as the property location.

    (x) For GSA Use Only (block 10). The GSA regional office will enter the appropriate codes in order to satisfy automated control reporting requirements.

    (xi) Pickup or Shipping Instructions (block 11). Insert the name, address, including ZIP code, and telephone number of the State agency or donee representative to be notified of property availability when the property listed in block 12 is to be picked up. Enter shipping instructions when the property listed in block 12 is to be shipped. The applicant shall pay all transportation costs.

    (xii) Surplus Property List (blocks 12 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h))—(A) Line Item Number. Enter in block 12(a) the identical number assigned to the line item on the document from which the control numbers indicated in block 12(b) are selected.

    (B) Identification Numbers. Enter in block 12(b) pertinent identification numbers as follows:

    (1) GSA control number. Military property reported to GSA through DRMS and all civilian and military agency property reported directly to GSA is assigned a GSA control number. The GSA control number may be obtained from the appropriate GSA office. In all cases in which a GSA control number is assigned, it must be entered on the SF 123.

    (2) DOD excess report number. All excess property reported to DRMS is assigned a DOD excess report number. For such property subsequently reported to GSA, the DOD excess report number may be obtained from GSA or the DRMO/holding activity. The DOD excess report number for DOD property screened by DRMS but not reported to GSA for screening may be obtained from DRMS or the DRMO/holding activity. In all cases in which a DOD excess report number is assigned, it must be entered on the SF 123.

    (3) Holding agency control number. The holding agency assigns a control number for all reportable property. For nonreportable property, the holding agency assigns a document or voucher number. This control number can be made available by the holding agency, and in the case of reported property, by GSA or DRMS (for DOD property), as appropriate.

    (C) Description. Enter in block 12(c) the item description. Include national stock number and noun name, if available. Otherwise, furnish Federal supply class number and commercial description, when possible. This space on the form may also be used to insert additional data pertinent to the description of the property; e.g., serial numbers and packaging information.

    (D) Demilitarization Code. For munitions list items identified as requiring demilitarization, enter in block 12(d) the one-letter demilitarization code assigned to the property. This information is available from the document on which the property was originally listed.

    (E) Condition Code. Enter in block 12(e) the identical condition code indicated for the line item on the document from which each item of property listed in block 12(c) was selected. Condition codes are illustrated at § 101-43.4901-120-1.

    (F) Quantity and Unit of Issue. Enter in block 12(f) the exact quantity and unit of issue (each, inches, feet, pounds, tons, dozen, gross, etc.) for each line item.

    (G) Unit Acquisition Cost. Enter in block 12(g) for each line item the acquisition cost of the unit of issue indicated in block 12(f). This information is available from the document on which the property was originally listed.

    (H) Total Acquisition Cost. Enter in block 12(h) for each line item the total acquisition cost of the quantity of unit of issue indicated in block 12(f). Care should be taken to ensure that the multiplication of the unit acquisition cost times quantity is correct.

    (xiii) Transferee Action (blocks 13 a, b, c, d, and e)—(A) State agency. Enter in block 13a the name and address, including ZIP code, of the State agency which is making the request for the property. The authorized official of the State agency shall sign and enter his or her title in block 13b, and show in block 13c the date of signature.

    (B) Service educational activity. Enter in block 13a the name and address of the school, club, or council specifically designated by the service educational activity (SEA). Include the ZIP code and the county in which the SEA is located. Enter in block 13b the title of the authorized donee representative (an officer of the school, club, or council authorized to request donable surplus property). The donee representative shall sign in block 13b and enter the date in block 13c. The head of the SEA (school or national headquarters) shall indicate approval by signing in block 13d and entering the date of signature in block 13e.

    (C) Public airport. Enter in block 13a the name and address of the public airport or the authorized State aeronautical agency which is requesting the property. Include the ZIP code and the county in which the public airport or State aeronautical agency is located. The authorized official of the public airport or State aeronautical agency or its designated representative shall sign and enter his or her title in block 13b, and show in block 13c the date of signature.

    (xiv) Administrative action—(A) Determining Officer (DOD or FAA) (blocks 14a, b, and c)—(1) Department of Defense. For donation of nonreportable surplus property to service educational activities, enter in block 14a the name and address, including ZIP code, of the property disposal officer (PDO) controlling the property. The PDO shall sign in block 14b and enter the date in block 14c. The PDO shall not authenticate SF 123 for donations for a State agency or a public airport.

    (2) Federal Aviation Administration. Enter in block 14a the name and title of the appropriate FAA official. The official shall sign in block 14b and enter the date in block 14c.

    (B) GSA Approving Officer (blocks 14d, e, and f). Enter in block 14d the name and title of the GSA officer approving the order. The GSA officer will sign in block 14e and enter the date in block 14f.

    (b) Processing SF 123—(1) Public agencies and eligible nonprofit tax-exempt activities. (i) Upon a determination that surplus property is necessary and useful for public agencies and eligible nonprofit tax-exempt activities, the State agency shall prepare and submit an original and five copies of SF 123 to the appropriate GSA office and shall send an information copy to the holding agency. The State agency official shall sign in block 13b. When the location of the property is different from that of the holding agency, an additional copy may be sent to the location for informational purposes. Block 11, “Pickup or Shipping Instructions,” shall be completed, as well as blocks 13b and c.

    (ii) At the time the property is determined surplus and approved for transfer by GSA, the GSA office will complete the SF 123 in blocks 14d, e, and f; retain one copy for the files; return two copies to the State agency; and send the original and one copy directly to the holding agency.

    (iii) The holding agency upon receipt of the SF 123 shall release the property for donation promptly in accordance with the pickup or shipping instructions.

    (2) Service educational activity—(i) DOD property reported to DRMS. (A) Transfer orders for property listed in DRMS excess listings shall be initiated by a school or the national headquarters of the SEA by transmitting an original and five copies of the SF 123 to its authorized donee representative. The SF 123 shall be completed except for block 13.

    (B) The authorized donee representative shall complete blocks 13a, b, and c and return the original and four copies to the national headquarters if applicable. The fifth copy shall be retained by the authorized donee representative.

    (C) The head of the SEA (school or national headquarters) shall indicate approval by signing block 13d of the SF 123 and entering the date in block 13e. That activity shall then forward the original and three copies of the SF 123 to DRMS, retaining the fourth copy for its files.

    (D) DRMS shall hold the SF 123 until it determines the property excess to the needs of DOD. When the property is determined excess, the SF 123 (the original and three copies), with a copy of the excess report, shall be sent to the appropriate GSA regional office.

    (E) At such time as the property is determined surplus and approved for transfer by GSA, the GSA office will complete blocks 14d, e, and f; retain one copy; send the original and one copy to the holding agency; and send an informational copy to the State agency for the State in which the SEA school, club, or council is located.

    (F) The property disposal officer, upon receipt of the approved SF 123 from GSA, shall release the property to the authorized donee representative in accordance with the pickup or shipping instructions shown in block 11.

    (ii) DOD property reported directly to GSA. (A) Transfer orders shall be initiated by the authorized donee representative of the SEA by preparing an original and five copies of SF 123. The authorized donee representative shall complete blocks 13a, b, and c and send the original and four copies to the national headquarters if applicable. The fifth copy shall be retained by the authorized donee representative.

    (B) The head of the SEA (school or national headquarters) shall indicate approval by signing block 13d of the SF 123 and entering the date in block 13e. That activity shall then forward the original and three copies of the SF 123 to the GSA regional office for the region in which the property is located, retaining the fourth copy for its files.

    (C) At such time as the property is determined surplus and approved for transfer by GSA, the GSA office will complete blocks 14d, e, and f; retain one copy; send the original and one copy to the holding agency; and send an informational copy to the State agency for the State in which the SEA school, club, or council is located.

    (D) The property disposal officer, upon receipt of the approved SF 123 from GSA, shall release the property to the authorized donee representative in accordance with the pickup or shipping instructions shown in block 11.

    (iii) DOD property not reported to either DRMS or GSA. (A) Transfer orders shall be initiated by the authorized donee representative of the SEA by preparing an original and six copies of SF 123. The authorized donee representative shall complete blocks 13a, b, and c. The original and five copies shall be sent to the property disposal officer, who shall complete blocks 14a, b, and c.

    (B) The property disposal officer shall retain one copy of the SF 123 and return the original and four copies to the authorized donee representative.

    (C) The authorized donee representative shall send the original and four copies of the SF 123 to the head of the SEA for approval if applicable. The head of the SEA shall indicate approval by signing block 13d and entering the date in block 13e. That activity shall then forward the original and three copies of the SF 123 to the GSA regional office for the region in which the property is located, retaining the fourth copy for its files.

    (D) At such time as GSA approves the transfer, the GSA office will complete the SF 123 in blocks 14d, e, and f; retain one copy, send the original and one copy to the holding agency; and send an informational copy to the State agency for the State in which the SEA school, club, or council is located.

    (E) The property disposal officer, upon receipt of the approved SF 123 from GSA, shall release the property to the authorized donee representative in accordance with the pickup or shipping instructions shown in block 11.

    (3) Public airport. (i) The applicant shall prepare and submit an original and four copies of SF 123 to the appropriate FAA official for surplus property required for public airport purposes. The applicant shall sign in block 13b. One copy of SF 123 shall be sent to the holding agency by the applicant.

    (ii) The appropriate FAA official shall indicate approval by completing blocks 14 a, b, and c; retain one copy; and send the original and three copies to the appropriate GSA office.

    (iii) At such time as the property is determined surplus and approved for transfer by GSA, the GSA office will complete the SF 123 in blocks 14 d, e, and f; forward the original to the holding agency; return two copies to the appropriate FAA official; and retain one copy for the files.

    (iv) The appropriate FAA official shall send one copy of the SF 123 to the applicant and retain one copy for the files.

    (v) The holding agency, upon receipt of the approved SF 123, shall proceed to release the property for donation in accordance with the pickup or shipping instructions.

    (c) General information regarding SF 123. (1) SF 123 is printed in a 10-part, snap-out set. Sets can be purchased by FAA and DOD for distribution to authorized donees or applicants by ordering direct from the General Services Administration (FCNI), Washington, DC 20406. SF 123-A (Continuation sheet) can also be purchased from the same source. The continuation sheet is printed in a 10-part, snap-out set. State agencies may obtain copies of these forms from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Washington, DC 20402, or have them printed commercially. When printing these forms commercially, State agencies must ensure that the forms conform to the exact size, wording, arrangement, etc., of the approved Standard forms.

    (2) SF 123 and SF 123-A sets are color coded, having two each of five different colors in each set.

    (3) The SF 123 is designed for mailing in a 37/8- by 87/8-inch window envelope with a 11/8- by 4-inch window positioned one-half inch from the bottom and three-fourths of an inch from the left side of the envelope. Slightly larger window envelopes may also be satisfactory, but the size and position of the window should not be altered. Copies should be folded along the horizontal line above block 11, and when inserted in a window envelope, the typed holding agency address will show through the window.