§ 101-45.704 - Modification or withdrawal of bids.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Bids may be modified or withdrawn by written or telegraphic notice received by the contracting officer not later than the exact time set for opening of bids (in the instance of sealed bid sales) or not later than the exact time set for the receipt of mailed-in or telegraphic bids (in the instance of spot bid and auction sales where such bids are authorized). A telegraphic modification or withdrawal of a bid received by telephone from the receiving telegraph office not later than the time set for opening of bids shall be considered only if the message is confirmed by receipt of a copy of the written telegram or mailgram which formed the basis for the telephone call. Modifications received by telegram or mailgram (including a record of those telephoned by the telegraph company) shall be sealed in an envelope by a proper official who shall write thereon the date and time of receipt and by whom received, the invitation for bids, number, and his signature. No information contained therein shall be disclosed before the time set for bid opening or for the start of the sale. The term telegraphic notice includes modifications and withdrawals submitted by telegram or mailgram. The following statement should be included in all invitations for bids:

    (b) A bid may be withdrawn in person by a bidder or his authorized representative, provided his identity is made known and he signs a receipt for the bid, but only if the withdrawal is prior to the exact time set for the opening of bids (in the instance of sealed bid sales) or the exact time set for the start of the sale (in the instance of spot bid and auction sales).