§ 101-45.803 - Other mistakes disclosed before award.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Heads of executive agencies are authorized (with power of redelegation as provided in §§ 101-45.803(b) and 101-45.804(d)), in order to minimize delay in contract awards, to make the administrative determinations described in this § 101-45.803 in connection with mistakes in bids alleged after opening of bids and before award. The authority contained herein to permit correction of bids is limited to bids which, as submitted, are responsive to the invitation for bids, and may not be used to permit correction of bids to make them responsive. This authority is in addition to that in § 101-45.802 or that which may be otherwise available.

    (1) A determination may be made permitting the bidder to withdraw his bid where the bidder requests permission to do so and clear and convincing evidence establishes the existence of a mistake.

    (2) However, if the evidence is clear and convincing both as to the existence of a mistake and as to the bid actually intended, and if the bid as submitted and as corrected is the highest received, a determination may be made to correct the bid and not permit its withdrawal.

    (3) A determination may be made permitting the bidder to correct his bid where the bidder requests permission to do so and clear and convincing evidence establishes both the existence of a mistake and the bid actually intended. However, if the correction would result in displacing one or more higher acceptable bids, the determination shall not be made unless the existence of the mistake and the bid actually intended are ascertainable substantially from the invitation and bid itself. If the evidence is clear and convincing only as to the mistake, but not as to the intended bid, a determination permitting the bidder to withdraw his bid may be made.

    (4) If the evidence does not warrant a determination under paragraph (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this section, a determination may be made that a bidder may neither withdraw nor correct his bid.

    (b) Heads of executive agencies may delegate to one central authority in their agencies, without power of redelegation, authority to make the determinations under paragraphs (a) (2), (3), and (4) of this § 101-45.803. The authority to make determinations to permit withdrawal of bids as provided in paragraphs (a) (1) and (3) of this section may be delegated, without power of redelegation, to any sales activity having legal counsel available.

    (c) Each proposed determination shall be approved by the gency's General Counsel, Deputy or Associate General Counsel, and Assistant General Counsel, or other comparable legal officer. However, authority to approve determinations to permit withdrawal of bids pursuant to paragraphs (a) (1) and (3) of this section may be delegated to the legal counsel of sales activities.

    (d) Suspected or alleged mistakes shall be processed as follows:

    (1) Whenever the sales contracting officer suspects that a mistake may have been made in a bid, he shall immediately request the bidder to verify the bid. Such request shall inform the bidder of the basis for suspecting a mistake and shall advise the bidder that if a mistake is alleged, to support his allegation by statements concerning the alleged mistake and by all pertinent evidence; such as the bidder's file copy of the bid, his original worksheets and other data used in preparing the bid, and any other evidence which conclusively establishes the existence of the error, the manner in which it occurred, and the bid actually intended. If the time for acceptance of bids is likely to expire before a decision can be made, the sales contracting officer shall request all bidders whose bids may become eligible for award to extend the time for acceptance of their bids. If the bidder whose bid is believed erroneous does not grant such extension of time and a decision cannot be reached before expiration of the time for acceptance, even if handled by telegraph or telephone as provided in § 101-45.803(d)(4), the bid shall be considered as originally submitted.

    (2) If the bidder verifies his bid, the sales contracting officer shall consider it as originally submitted.

    (3) Where the bidder furnishes evidence in support of an alleged mistake, the case shall be referred to the appropriate authority together with the following data:

    (i) All evidence furnished by the bidder.

    (ii) A copy of the bid and the invitation for bids.

    (iii) An abstract or record of the bids received.

    (iv) A written statement by the sales contracting officer setting forth—

    (a) The expiration date of the bid in question and of the other bids submitted;

    (b) Specific information as to how and when the mistake was alleged;

    (c) Most recent contract price for a like item(s) involved, when sold, in what quantity, relative condition, etc.;

    (d) A summary of the evidence submitted by the bidder;

    (e) Any additional evidence considered pertinent, including copies of all correspondence between the sales contracting officer and the bidder concerning the alleged mistake; and

    (f) The course of action with respect to the bid that the sales contracting officer considers proper on the basis of the evidence.

    (4) When time is of the essence, because of the expiration of bids or otherwise, the sales contracting officer may refer the case by telegraph or telephone to the designated authority. Ordinarily, however, sales contracting officers will not refer mistake in bid cases to the designated authority by telegraph or telephone, particularly when the determinations set forth in paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this § 101-45.803 are applicable, since actual examination of the evidence is generally necessary to determine the proper action to be taken.

    (5) Where the bidder fails or refuses to furnish evidence in support of a suspected or alleged mistake, the sales contracting officer shall consider the bid as submitted unless there are indications of error so clear as reasonably to justify the conclusion that acceptance of the bid would be unfair to the bidder or to other bona fide bidders, in which case it may be rejected. This action will be cleared through counsel serving the cognizant sales contracting officer. The attempts made to obtain the information required and the action taken with respect to the bid shall be fully documented.

    (e) Nothing contained in this § 101-45.803 shall deprive the Comptroller General of his statutory right to question the correctness of any administrative determination made hereunder nor deprive any bidder of his right to have the matter determined by the Comptroller General should he so request. All doubtful cases shall be submitted to the Comptroller General for advance decision in accordance with agency procedures.

    (f) Each agency shall maintain records of all administrative determinations made in accordance with this § 101-45.803, the facts involved, and the action taken in each case. Copies of all such administrative determinations shall be included in the case file. Where a contract is awarded, the General Accounting Office copy of the contract, whenever filed, shall be accompanied by a signed copy of any related determination.